6. If I asked the person closest to
you to describe you in one word,
what would it be and why?
1. What do you do when you have
difficulty solving a problem?
Most of the times I just clear my
mind a little bit by doing other
things and the answer comes by
2. What has been the most
interesting work for you, how did
you handle it?
I think that my actual job is the
most interesting one because is
the one I handle.
3. What do you usually do in your
free time?
Spend time whit my family
4. What have been your greatest
My own business
5. What do you get used to in your
free time?
Practice sports
Persistent, because I always work
for what I want.
7. Describe one of the best / worst
professional situations you have
ever had.
When I get fired from my last job
from some issues whit my boss I
think this was mi best and worst
professional situation because
this was the time when I thought
about making my own business
and it was my first time fired.
8. Do you have any project in
Yes, expanding the business
9. Do you feel happy whit your
professional life?
Yes, absolutely
10. What inspires you the most?
My family