XAMARIN Notes Xamarin Notes - Part 1 Set up the environment | Page 8

Placing these components in environment variables ensures that if I need to use any other development platform that also needs these components, they will already be there, ready for use. a. To install JDK: You download it from this link: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8- downloads-2133151.html Your installer here. Make sure this is the most current version. Once installed, add the following system variables: JAVA_HOME with the value C: / java / jdk {installed version} CLASSPATH with the value.;% JAVA_HOME% \ lib;% JAVA_HOME% \ jre \ lib Edit the path variable by adding the following value:% JAVA_HOME% \ bin Now open the command line and type java -version. If all goes well and nothing goes wrong, the java version will be displayed. b. To install Android NDK Download the zip here (https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads/index.html) and unzip it in C: / android-ndk. Add the variable ANDROID_NDK_HOME with the value C: / android-ndk. Unzip the content, making sure it does not have a folder inside the other. c. Android SDK In the website, this is will be installed with Android Studio but in Visual Studio 2017, this will be integrate it so no need to add it. But you can also add Xamarin Android SDK Manager in this link: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Xamarin.XamarinAndroidSDKManager 4. Create a Cross-Platform Xamarin project You can get started with a new Xamarin.Forms app by going to File -> New -> Visual C# -> Cross- Platform -> Cross-Platform App. This template allows you to select the starter project, the platforms you plan on targeting, and your code sharing strategy. Before we had this display 8