XAMARIN Notes Xamarin Notes - Part 1 Set up the environment | Page 7

“Emulator does not. Simulator.” The iOS simulator is not an emulator. This has a big difference. There are things that only work on the physical device. Simulators are installed with XCode. By default, when installing the IDE, some already installed, but if you want to add some more, click on code, then go to Preferences, Downloads, components and select the Simulators you want. Whenever you install / update XCode run it. Generally a window for accepting the terms of use may appear. If you do not accept the terms Visual Studio for Mac may not identify the simulators. For more details: https://www.visualstudio.com/pt-br/vs/visual-studio-mac/ 3. prerequisite for Android Android basically needs the following components: - Java 64-bit SDK (JDK) - Android SDK - Android NDK is optional, but anyway I install. When you install Xamarin via Visual Studio it already installs all these components. However, until the latest version, the installer downloads the 32-bit JDK, which is incompatible. Another point is that it installs them in C: / Program Files /RepositoryName, this is not safe because you can get an error related to the character size of the path that may exceed 256 characters, and in this path you can have a space and this can cause many problems. So, to prevent all these problems, you install each one manually in C: / and then add its paths in Windows environment variables. C:/java C:/android-sdk C:/android-ndk 7