XAMARIN Notes Xamarin Notes - Part 1 Set up the environment | Page 12

To start your build functionality you connect to an existing code repository in the cloud from VSTS or GitHub or BitBucket, along with this build process, it has also a device lab with over 300 configurations of Android and IOS devices that you can run your automation scripts on, it supports a variety of frameworks like Appium, Espresso, XCUITest and Xamarin.UITest. Once you have been through the build task process you go to the distribution to users, you can create groups, both for internal test groups in your company or for maybe beta testers and send your app directly to them as well as give them live in-app updates. You also have the ability. Once you’re ready to publish your app to Google play or iTunes connect to the app center. Once the application is published and used, developers want to know what is going on and to be easy to maintain it in case of a crash, you can get in real time stack traces in crash reports from the fields from your app. Along with a crash, we need to know some analytics to understand more our customers, so from the app center, we can log custom events. Finally, it’s a single source for push notifications. 12