XAMARIN Notes Xamarin Notes - Part 1 Set up the environment | Page 11

7. Visual Studio App Center (Before Xamarin Test Cloud) After creating a new application and development, developers are facing a lot of challenges in the Test process, even they have to proceed by a continuous integrated delivery, you need an environment that lets you test in many Devices. In the Mobile cycle, an application, start by a design and development after we go through the test and monitoring, but if the test wasn’t as we expect we come back to the design and development, so we try to iterate develop and maintain. Microsoft offered a lot of services like: HockeyApp (https://hockeyapp.net/) , Xamarin Test Cloud (https://www.xamarin.com/test-cloud ) , Xamarin Insights (https://insights.xamarin.com/) (but it joined HockeyApp after) , Azure Mobile Engagement, Azure App Service and CodePush Connect to: https://appcenter.ms/ BUT after Microsoft created the Visual Studio App Center that collects all in one place. They have taken all of these different solutions and they brought them together in one single central application. 11