10:20 – 11:20
Overcoming the New Challenges of Communication in ELT
By Mario Herrera
There were simple times when ‘communication’ in an English class meant having students work in pairs and
practice dialogues using the target language of the lesson. In today’s ELT world, because of the many
strategies and skills that have become mainstream in the teaching process, we must take another look at how
to keep the communicative aspirations of our methodology effective. The idea is to truly give communication
the role it should play in an English speaker that not only knows how to say things in English, but uses it to
solve problems, express opinions, acquire dominance of 21 st Century Skills, and to show general academic
and cultural knowledge.
This session deals with how the communicative approach has evolved, and how it should reflect in today’s
courses. It reviews its current focus and how to apply it when teaching young learners, to enrich their oral
skills in all current ELT interventions. Participants will engage in practicing different lively, fun activities.
Mario Herrera is one of the World’s best-known ELT authors for young learners. He has a B.A. in Education
and an M.A. in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. He specializes in teaching English to young learners.
He has authored or co-authored several bestselling ELT programs worldwide, including Balloons, Pockets and
Big Fun for pre-school; Parade, Backpack, and Big English and Big English Plus for primary school; and Cool
Chat Connected for secondary schools. Mr. Herrera has been involved in teacher training for 30 years, and
travels around the world on behalf of Pearson, directing seminars and workshops, which are highly regarded
and well known for their level of participant involvement. He is the recipient of several academic awards.
11:20 – 11:50
Writing + L2 = TBL
María Guadalupe Arreola Rebolledo y Guillermo Guadalupe Durán García
Facultad de Lenguas Extranjeras
Universidad de Colima
La adopción de un enfoque basado en tareas ha sido una estrategia pedagógica para el desarrollo de la
competencia comunicativa en enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras desde hace ya algunos años. Desde esta
perspectiva, presentamos un cartel científico que tiene como objetivo presentar los avances de un proyecto
de investigación cualitativa de carácter descriptivo que propone la implementación de un programa de inglés
basado en tareas. El programa propone el diseño de actividades didácticas para el desarrollo de habilidades
de escritura en la clase de inglés con alumnos de tercer semestre de bachillerato.
Autonomous learning through videogames
Diana Patricia Fuentes Sánchez y Maribel Rubio Chiu
Facultad de Lenguas Extranjeras
Universidad de Colima
In this poster will it will be illustrated the chart obtained in the conclusion and the various information this
contain. The chart and the information in general will be explained by starting with how the project is
directed to autonomous learners and why it is done that way. Afterwards, the chart will be explained using
only some of the games as examples, how the game uses at least two of the four skills. Finally, the