JUEVES 25 9:00 – 10:00 TALLERES PERLA 1
Las TIC ’ s y sus diferentes usos en las clases de Inglés como LE
Isabel María García Meza y Mtro . Joaquín Alberto García Acosta Carlos Alberto García Bustamante Dr . José Luis Ramírez Romero Universidad de Sonora
Con los numerosos avances de la tecnología en nuestras vidas , hoy en día resulta difícil no hacer uso de diferentes tecnologías y aplicaciones en las clases de inglés como lengua extranjera . Al incorporar diferentes aplicaciones a nuestras clases , logramos darle variedad y despertamos el interés de los alumnos , evitando así hacer nuestras clases monótonas y aburridas . Presentaremos tres diferentes aplicaciones , cómo se manejan y las diferentes maneras en que podemos hacer uso de ellas en nuestras clases , y los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de desarrollar más ideas en cuanto al uso que les podemos dar a estas en clases .
JUEVES 25 9:00 – 10:10 PERLA 2
Let ’ s Clouding : Educational Apps .
Francisco Ricardo Chávez Nolasco y José Wilfredo Aronia Silva Benemérita y Centenaria Escuela Normal del Estado de San Luis Potosí .
Connectivism is today the newest paradigm in teaching – learning . It is gaining acceptance worldwide and projects a new reality framed by Web 5.0 to 8.0 , quantic computing and the well – known concept of Clouds . Clouding seems to be a great area of development for the most important companies in technology . So far , the leading ones are Google for Education and Office 365 for education . Their competence give us access to great tools with real and easy applications for our teaching making it richer and colorful . The best point is that most of them are free and so attractive for students .
JUEVES 25 9:00 – 10:10 PERLA 3
" What ´ s up with Whatsapp at School : a Strategy to Learn English Inside and Outside School "
Mario Efrén Infante Espinosa , Mtro . Otoniel Serrano de Santiago y Andrea de la Torre Santoyo Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras
Attendees are to have the opportunity to discover how effective can Whatsapp be for teaching and learning English purposes within a virtual space . This application has quite a few tools that can be used in order to facilitate students to learn grammar deductively or inductively , to expand their vocabulary , to develop the four skills , and to strengthen their Language Ego . Moreover , activities for conversation practice , and learning objects are to be presented for students to learn more meaningfully , and the theories underlying this proposal such as the humanistic theory to learning a language to make it more effective will be revised .