classroom interaction in the B.A. in Political Sciences and Public Administration since it is stated in the curriculum that learners will acquire the abilities to analyze 13:40- 14:50 TALLERES PERLA 1 TAP09 "Fun: The New Way of Learning" Isel Carranza Roxana Jazmin Gómez Yelitza Adanari Michel Colegio Inglés de Colima / FLEX Who ever said games are for kids? Who ever said learning couldn’t be fun? Who said fun, games and learning can’t go together and apply for all ages? In this workshop we will show you a way to put fun and games into learning at a different age groups. 13:40- 14:50 TALLERES PERLA 2 TAP01 Chino mandarín, el idioma analítico que ejercita tu lado creativo Miriam Janeth Escalante del Ángel Tecnológico de Monterrey campus Colima El chino mandarín es capaz de ejercitar ambos hemisferios del cerebro; siendo que a la vez que es un idioma hermético y con reglas muy específicas que retan a la lógica, también es un idioma tonal y visual que invita al aprendiz a imaginar y deducir. El taller pretende definir los puntos clave del idioma y enfatizar los métodos efectivos para su aprendizaje, dejando claro que sin importar el hemisferio que el individuo haya desarrollado en mayor proporción, se encontrará cómodo al aprender chino mandarín, beneficiándose además de desarrollar el hemisferio con el que no se encuentra familiarizado. 13:40- 14:50 TALLERES PERLA 3 TAP02 So, do you think you have problems? Try to beat me CARLOS IVÁN HERNÁNDEZ FUENTES UNIVERSIDAD DE COLIMA FACULTAD DE LENGUAS EXTRANJERAS Have you thought that you have the worst students ever? That you are the worst teacher? This is an opportunity to share your experiences with other teachers and take advantage of their experience in the classroom; in this workshop we will listen, analyze, and come up with ideas that probably you have not thought about, having as a result a discipline plan that must fit for every class. Do not miss the chance of unburden your feelings and the most important thing, do not miss the chance to take with you a bunch of new ideas, new rewards, new punishments, and new rules. 13:40- 14:50 TALLERES PERLA 4 TAP07 Workshop: Importance of Phrasal Verbs in the Development of Meaningful Vocabulary Activities.