www-water2012-org march 2015 | Page 5

The first step in screen printing is the design stem. This is where artwork, text and images are made. Screen printing can allow the printing of different items on a flat surface especially fabric. The first step is where a designer takes the intended idea and creates it into an image or text. The resulting image or text is then made into a film piece. The film can be clear on the artwork and dark on the places not to be printed or the other way round. It is then laid on the screen and exposed to a source of light for a preset period. The first step is what result in a screen that will be used in the printing. Once it is ready, it is then placed in the area that is to be printed for example a t-shirt. Ink is then placed on one part of the screen and then dragged all over the screen or on the area to be printed and this is how the surface gets printed. The idea is to ensure that the permeable areas which are the areas that are supposed to be printed get enough ink. For multiple colors, the process of making the screen is still the same. The only different is that there are different screens for the different colors. The different areas should be well positioned on the screen such that when they are printed on the surface there is no part that is on top of another or far away from where it is supposed to be. There can be as many colors as possible provided the surface allows this and there are enough screens and colors to do this. Today, screen printing is being used in different types of printing. Some of the surfaces that can be printed using this method include fabrics, metal, ceramic objects, glass, synthetic items and paper. Posted in Imaging | Leave a Comment GtnePnPsh u br ngr s e e grt e– ii T GnRvloannn r deunrIvo a ot yet i i March 24, 2014 | Author: admin The printing trade has been in existence for the longest time. The Chinese and Koreans printed on a sheet of paper using inked woodblocks. Years later down the line, Johannes Gutenberg invented a machine that revolutionized the world. He invented the first printing press that had the ability to split text into smaller component features such as upper and lower case letters and punctuation marks. This invention is what is known as the Gutenberg press. The Gutenberg printing press since its invention in the 1940s, became the standard printing equipment until the 20th Century. The first one was made out of wood, and was later made out of metal. It was considered a great invention because it made printed material much more affordable and allowed for them to be more accessible for a lot of people. converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com