Something to Think About
Don Michael, WVFB Director of Governmental Affairs
Last month I attended
several “meet the candidate”
events and continue to be
amazed, and thankful, at the
number of individuals – both
incumbents and newcomers
– who have a burning desire
to make a positive difference
in the lives of our citizens.
For the winners the journey
entails a 24-7, 365 day per year commitment to
public service in a political atmosphere that can be
quite volatile at times. When true public servants
– driven by the people and not self – are elected,
the ultimate winners will be all West Virginians.
With the Primary Election behind us, both
major political parties and their candidates are
pushing forward with hopes of victory in the fall.
It is more important than ever for Farm Bureau
members to study the issues and candidates on all
levels – local, state and national – so you can make
informed decisions on November 4 (or before
if you take advantage of the early voting period
running from Wednesday, October 22 through
Saturday, November 1). Our Farm PAC will be
meeting in the future to review candidates and
announce endorsements for the General Election.
Farm Bureau is one of 60+ trade associations
and businesses that comprise the West Virginia
Business and Industry Council (BIC). The key
focus of the group is to enhance the business
climate in our state. WVFB Executive Secretary
Steve Butler and I recently participated in a BIC
regional meeting at the Bridgeport Conference
Center where the focus was on economic
development and legislative excellence. We
listened to economic updates from local and state
business leaders, visited with friends from the
business community, met with candidates for state
office, and were treated to a most informative
overview of the recent legislative session by
Jason Pizatella (Director of Legislative Affairs
for Governor Tomblin) and Senators Sam Cann
(D-Harrison), Roman Prezioso (D-Marion)
and Bob Williams (D-Taylor). Senator Cann
was honored at the meeting with BIC’s annual
award for legislative excellence, showcasing a
distinguished record of extensive public service
spanning 20+ years.
Discussions continue to take place regarding
Senate Bill 373, which established the Water
Resources Protection and Management Act and
Aboveground Storage Tank Act. The bill requires
the WV Department of Environmental Protection
to propose rules for consideration during the 2015
Legislative Session regarding the implementation
of the regulatory program addressed in the
legislation. We commend DEP for soliciting
input from all stakeholders in preparing their first
draft of the rule. Farm Bureau leaders joined
with WV Department of Agriculture staff on
May 7 to review the legislation’s implications
for agriculture and offer suggestions to DEP for
rule development. Stakeholder suggestions were
due by May 15. Around mid-July DEP plans to
send their draft rule to stakeholders for review
and further comment. This will be followed by
a stakeholders’ meeting to discuss and debate the
rule. Written comments may be directed to DEP
at any time during the process. After processing
the comments and making appropriate revisions,
DEP plans to file the draft rule (as an emergency
rule) with the Secretary of State no later than
December, 2014 – stay tuned!
By now most are likely aware of EPA’s latest
attempt to do an end-run around Congress
with their March 25 release of a proposed new
rule that would greatly expand its regulatory
authority under the Clean Water Act. The
consequences could be devastating for much
more than agriculture. For complete details go
to our website ( and scroll
down the right side to STOP EPA – DITCH
THE RULE! Until next time, KEEP SMILING
FRIENDS, God bless you and your loved ones,
and God bless America.
West Virginia Farm Bureau News 5