presidential paradigms
EPA Proposal Threatens Private Property Rights
Charles Wilfong, President, West Virginia Farm Bureau
The federal government is would be required to apply for permits to conduct
in the process of effectively
basic practices such as applying herbicides
seizing control of all land
and pesticides, building fences, constructing
in this country through a
roads, cutting trees, building homes – the list
proposed rule by the EPA
of activities requiring permits would be neverand the Corps of Engineers
that gives the agencies
regulatory power over farms,
We cannot allow this proposed rule to
ranches, timberland and
be enacted. We must contact our elected
more. The rule, released on
representatives and express our outrage over such
March 25 , expands the powers of the EPA and
a power grab by the federal government. This
Corps, by declaring the definition of “waters of
is one of the greatest threats to private property
the U.S.” under the
rights our nation
Clean Water Act,
has ever seen.
to include areas
no reasonably
At our April
thinking person
board meeting,
would consider to
the West
be bodies of water.
Virginia Farm
These agencies will
Bureau Board of
be able to prohibit
Directors deemed
normal farming
this proposal to
practices such as
be such a clear
fence building and
and present
applying fertilizer,
threat that the )