Something to Think About
Don Michael, WVFB Director of Governmental Affairs
Agricultural Education
Taylor (Ravenswood, 2001-02). The big check
continues to be a driving
written during the night came from Past State FFA
force in preparing students for
Vice President Bill West (Cameron, 1967-68) and was
successful careers and a lifetime in addition to the $8,000 auction sales. After three
items dedicated to the Foundation’s Ag Ed Scholarship
of informed choices in our
global agricultural industry. The Fund were auctioned, Mr. West inquired what it would
program is on the move in West
now take to endow the fund so it would permanently
Virginia, as can be evidenced
provide the annual scholarship. When told the amount
needed was $9,536 Bill handed the Foundation
by the growing number of
counties offering state-of-the-art treasurer a signed, blank check and said, “Fill’er in!”
instructional programs. Another indicator of growth and That is one powerful commitment to the Agricultural
Education program in West Virginia!! Farm Bureau
success is a statewide FFA membership exceeding five
thousand, with members winning honors on all levels of thanks the auction supporters and the many other
the program, including national FFA proficiency award
annual donors on the local, state and national levels
who continue to open doors to opportunity for young
winners and the state’s first National FFA Officer in
men and women in the blue and gold jackets. Special
nearly 40 years.
thanks, too, is directed at John and Jenny Jones of
Mineral Wells for their generous donation of time,
Recently 800+ FFA members, agriculture teachers/
FFA advisors, program donors and guests converged on
talents and resources over the years in providing
Cedar Lakes for the 86th Annual State FFA Convention
auctioneering services at numerous events generating
and Leadership Conference. Keynote speakers included support for FFA and 4-H members in our state.
Agriculture Commissioner Walt Helmick, State
Speaking of Agricultural Education, Farm Bureau
Treasurer John Perdue and “West Virginia’s Home
commends the leadership of the West Virginia
Grown” National FFA Vice President Wes Davis from
Association of Agricultural Educators and Joint Staff for
Mason County. Farm Bureau was visible on numerous
conducting their recent summer retreat at Canaan Valley.
fronts: providing a plaque and $500 to Max McCoy of
The event featured an enlightening program, with quality
Ravenswood, West Virginia’s Star Farmer for 2014;
joining other ag entities to host a special event to reward time set aside for fellowship among the approximately
80 in attendance. One evening was dedicated to retirees,
FFA members for breaking the 5000 membership mark
with 17 retirees and 11 spouses participating. The
for the first time in over two decades; and assisting with
seventeen “Oldies but Goodies” as one spouse described
expenses for the tractor driving career development
them, represented 883 years of service to Agricultural
event. Clyde Bailey, Kanawha County FB member and
Education and FFA. Retirees ranged from the most
WVFB board member, manned Farm Bureau’s “Ditch
recent, Paul Roomsburg of Hampshire County to
the Rule” exhibit at a career show featured on day three
Bayard Swecker of Harman, who is 92 years young! As
of convention.
retirees shared tidbits from their teaching experience and
Past State FFA Presidents were highly visible at the answered questions posed by active teachers, all were
reminded of the fun, excitement and wonderful blessings
FFA Foundation’s annual auction held in conjunction
associated with teaching students preparing for careers in
with convention. The auction generated in excess of
our dynamic industry of agriculture. It was quite obvious
$8,000 with the proceeds being invested to generate
the retirees treasured the close comradery that has existed
awards and scholarships for FFA members. Past
presidents digging into their pockets to make a positive among agriculture teachers and staff over the years
difference for FFA members included David Bourgeois – truly priceless! Until next time, KEEP SMILING
FRIENDS, God bless you and your loved ones, and God
(Ripley, 1976-77), Jim Eisentrout (Bruceton Mills,
bless America.
1979-80), John Lockhart (Taylor County, 2010-11),
Kevin Okes (Shady Spring, 1996-97) and Nathan
West Virginia Farm Bureau News 5