presidential paradigms
Immigration Laws Should Be Enforced
Charles Wilfong, President, West Virginia Farm Bureau
Throughout history, countries
failing to control their borders
failed to survive. An invasion is
currently taking place on the U.S.
- Mexican border, and nothing is
being done to stop it.
The Obama administration is
refusing to enforce U.S. border
security laws. The consequences
could be devastating. Many fear that the huge numbers
of illegal immigrants crossing into the U.S. will, among
other things, become voters who will perpetuate the
welfare state mentality that is becoming more and more
prevalent in our country.
The president’s executive orders are creating
much of the current problem. In 2012, he issued the
“Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals”, which
delayed any enforcement action against underage illegal
immigrants. This act, coupled with the perception of
possible amnesty, has prompted the flood of children
across our borders. Alarmingly, significant numbers of
these children are believed to be gang members. These
gangs are reportedly extorting money from the families
of innocent children illegally crossing the border. In
addition, border agents are sidelined from performing
their jobs as they must supervise these children once
they are taken into custody. There is also great concern
that other unwanted individuals are also crossing into
the U.S. - terrorists, drug runners and other criminals making this a real national security issue.
Additionally, busloads of these illegal immigrants
are being sent, unannounced, all over the country
to communities ill equipped to handle the financial
burden. Health concerns are also being raised, as
reports of people infected with tuberculosis and other
communicable diseases leak out to the media.
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill on
August 1 to help address this issue. The bill would freeze
see Wilfong, page 21
Setting the Record Straight on ‘Waters of the U.S.’
Bob Stallman, President, American Farm Bureau Fede Ʌѥ