Morgan ’ s Corner ( Cont ’ d )
Working with Cheryl Pierson Cuccio and Rob Cuccio to tell their story has been an amazing experience . Having helped other abuse survivors tell their story , I know how hard it is for them and that it typically increases the occurrences of PTSD flare-ups . They were real troupers , struggling through every difficult passage . There were times when all three of us were crying as we proofed a particularly emotional passage . And , now that the book is out , it is doing what Cheryl and Rob hoped . Comments are pouring in from both abuse survivors , those who lost someone to heart failure , and people who had no idea of what an abuse survivor has endured . We thank them all .
Cheryl & Rob at Book signing
We had a wonderful team : Karen Phillips designed the dynamic cover and our editor Tony Held found even the tiniest errors during the proofing process .
On New Year ’ s Day , the debut episode of the new Discovery ID Channel series , I , Witness , was an episode featuring Cheryl . Rob will appear in the finale episode on February 8 at 6 pm PST / 9 pm EST .
Speaking of Discovery ID Channel , yours truly will be the co-narrator of the finale episode for the new season of A Crime to Remember . I have no idea how much of my taping will be included , but watch for it on January 31 , 7pm PST / 10 pm EST . It is the episode about Paul Perveler .
And there is more . In December my sister Phyllice Bradner and I signed contracts with Books in Motion for the audio books of two more Silver Sisters Mysteries — Vanishing Act in Vegas , and Diamonds in the Dumpster . That means when they are released , all four of the existing zany Silver Sisters Mysteries will be available in paperback , Kindle and audio book . Look for them to also be available in other eBook platforms early in the year . The fifth book will enter planning stages in February .
The decision has been made to change from publishing Writers Tricks of the Trade bi-monthly to quarterly , so as you can see , this is the Winter issue . Future issues will publish on April 15 , July 15 and October 15 .
Keep writing !
Morgan and Dylan the Dog ASSOCIATE EDITOR