Writers Tricks of the Trade Volume 5, Issue 6 | Page 27

PRESS “CONTROL” THEN CLICK “BUY” TO PURCHASE ANY BOOK CREDENTIALS TALK - YOU’VE GOT THEM BE CONFIDENT REPRINTED FROM "RICK FRISHMAN'S SUNDAY TIPS" SUBSCRIBE AT HTTP://WWW.RICKFRISHMAN.COM AND RECEIVE RICK'S 131 PAGE "2015 MILLION DOLLAR ROLODEX" People like to work with and get advice from people who they feel are successful. When potential clients have the opportunity to read about your philosophy, your strategies for specific situations, it’s a huge door opener for future business. And a good reason to become an author. The biggest sellers are in to the “how-to” and business arenas. What if you write for juveniles, romance, stovetop warriors or just kids? Credentials and writing/artistic skill carry a huge stick in the publishing arena.Having a book, with your name as the author on it, adds a significant notch in the credibility game. It goes beyond just a business card; it becomes part of your guts and soul. There isn’t a gathering of people where someone, in fact, many ones, will share that they feel that they have a book in them. Smart Authors are Savvy Positioners. WITH CONFIDENCE, YOU CAN REACH TRULY AMAZING HEIGHTS; WITHOUT CONFIDENCE, The Yin and Yang of Publishing With books, the author has to tune into his or her message, listen to what they hear the “audience” say it needs/wants. Reflect, evaluate and connect with the core of what the book is about. Yin is all about emotion and with emotion, the passion for “why” this book—your book—will be created and birthed. EVEN THE SIMPLEST ACCOMPLISHMENTS ARE BEYOND YOUR GRASP. – JIM LOEHR IS THERE A BOOK IN YOU? It’s the yang, though, that will get it to happen. The author is challenged with a goal to expand the ideas and concepts that originally seeded the idea. The big stretch starts— what’s new; what concepts and solutions have a twist to them that makes them unique to what has been published before. What can you turn on its head or tweak a commonly held belief? THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS CAN’T, ONLY WON’T. IF IT’S THE NEW APPROACH THAT GATHERS ATTENTION. YOU’RE QUALIFIED, ALL IT In the end, the author comes away with knowledge of the publishing process along with the tools to implement it. Creating a book and using it as part of your marketing campaign enhances your positioning as the Authority, the Expert. Your credibility. And, a positioning factor in building your brand and your “business” as an author. To us, it doesn’t matter what “your business” is—be it business, finance, sci-fi, kids, mystery or even a bit of romance. TAKES IS A BURNING DESIRE TO ACCOMPLISH, TO MAKE A CHANGE. GO FORWARD, GO BACKWARD. WHATEVER IT TAKES! – JAN ASHFORD What we want you to think, to realize, is that publishing isn’t a lark—being an author is an honor and a very legit business to be in.Press Releases Are NOT Dead! A lot of marketers are making headlines saying press releases are dead. I get it. It’s a catchy sentence. WRITERS’ TRICKS OF THE TRADE PAGE 25 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2015