Writers Tricks of the Trade Issue 2 Volume 9 | Page 33

T IS FOR T AKE Y OUR T IME M ORGAN S T . J AMES E XCERPT FROM THE W RITERS T RICKS OF THE T RADE B OOK Don’t jump the gun ~ You only get one shot so make it your best T here is no question about it. Once your masterpiece is finished, it is difficult to resist the urge to immediately submit it to an agent or publisher. A word to the wise: Don’t! W HY Y OU S HOULDN ’ T R USH T O S UBMIT This is a mistake many new writers and even seasoned writers make. They are con- sumed by a compelling impulse to hit the internet or print everything out, slap to- gether a query letter and hustle to the post office. Unfortunately, once that is done it can’t be pulled back. Submitting to an agent or publisher is like an audition with only one opportunity to perform. Don’t burn bridges by sending something off too soon. W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE T RADE It’s not just about misspellings or miss- ing words, but questions like the ones my writing buddy Darrah Whitaker asked while editing my book Ripoff: “She’s a savvy woman. Why would she let this just slip by? I suggest you flesh that out and have her take some actions.” I thought about it, and realized how right he was. Two paragraphs were added with my protagonist doing what she definitely would have done, and the other added element was that she asked some challenging questions. In another scene my protagonist was concerned about getting a parking ticket in a limited time parking space. Darrah also caught that and asked: “Are you sure there would be limited parking on a Sunday?” P AGE 28 S UMMER 2019