Writers Tricks of the Trade Issue 2 Volume 9 | Page 32

I have read all four of the Rescue Dog books and can't help but admire Author Brian L. Porter and his family. The love, af- fection and care that they provide for those that probably wouldn't make it otherwise shows me how much we forget about what we call 'our animals.' He is totally correct in reminding us that they aren't just pets, Martha Cheves is our resident reviewer. Visit her websites for more reviews and rec- ipes. http://marthaskitchenkorner.blogspot.com (A Book and a Dish) http://stirlaughrepeat.blogspot.com (Main Site) they are members of our own family and should be treated as so. If you're a dog lov- er, this is a must read book. If you aren't a dog lover, read it anyway and maybe you'll become one. http://marthaatkitchenkorner.blogspot.co m (Martha's Kitchen Korner) http://marthasrecipecabinet.blogspot.com (Martha's Recipe Cabinet) http://stirlaughrepeatcookbook.blogspot.c om (Cookbook Site) A BOUT B RIAN L. P ORTER Writing under three different names, Brian L Porter is an Amazon best selling author, with numerous best sellers to his name. Writing as Brian L. Porter, Sasha, the illustrated true-life story of the author's own, very special 'Miracle Dog' was Winner of The Preditors & Editors Best Fiction Book Award, 2016, and also a 7th place finish in the 50 Best Indie Books of 2016 Awards. #1 bestseller in the UK, Australia and Italy. Sasha has also been a Top Ten bestseller in its category at Amazon in Cana- da and France. All Brian's novels plus his short story collection, After Armageddon have been signed for movie adaptation in a franchise deal with ThunderBall Films, including his most recent release, the highly successful A Mersey Killing. Brian has also become thoroughly integrated into the movie business since his first in- volvement with Thunderball Films LLC and is now also an Associate Producer and Co-Producer on a number of developing movies, as well as being a screenwriter for many of the movies soon to be released by Thunderball. He is a dedicated dog lover and rescuer and he and his wife share their home with a num- ber of rescued dogs. See Brian's blog at sashaandharry.blogspot.co.uk S UMMER 2019 P AGE 27 W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE T RADE