Writers Tricks of the Trade Issue 1 Volume 8 | Page 22

T HE N EW Y ORK T IMES ’ NEW AUDIO- BOOK BESTSELLER LIST WILL FEATURE THE TOP 15 FICTION AND TOP 15 NONFICTION AUDIOBOOK LISTS , BASED ON SALES FROM THE PREVIOUS MONTH . T HE LISTS COMBINE DIGITAL AND PHYSICAL AUDIO SALES . “T HE VIBRANT GROWTH OF AUDIO- BOOKS IN THE INDUS- TRY HAS CREATED A NEED FOR AN IMPAR- TIAL , RELIABLE SOURCE FOR TRACK- ING AND REPORTING THE TOP - SELLING AU- DIOBOOKS ACROSS THE COUNTRY ,” SAID P AMELA P AUL , EDITOR OF T HE N EW Y ORK T IMES B OOK R EVIEW . “T HE T IMES RECOGNIZ ES THE INCREASED READER AND LISTENER INTEREST IN AUDIO- BOOKS , AS WELL AS IN THE B OOK R EVIEW ’ S INCREASING DEPTH OF COVERAGE OF AUDIO- BOOKS , AND WE ’ RE THRILLED WE ’ LL BE ABLE TO PROVIDE THEM INDEPENDENT DATA THEY CAN RELY ON .” S PRING 2018 A UDIO B OOKS (C ONT ’ D ) audio books to cheating is like meeting a friend at Disneyland and saying “you took a bus here? I drove myself, you big cheater.” The point is getting to and enjoying the destination. The point is not how you traveled. Learning to read is certainly important, no one is saying that it isn't, but in some cases, listening to the story can encourage students to read more, something high school English teacher Michael Godsey discovered using podcast audio with transcripts. And let's not forget the role of speaking in the writing of books. Nu- merous classics, including the "Illiad," were based on the spoken word, and some authors dictated their stories. In reading Henry James' "The Golden Bowl," Henry James Scholar Greg Zacharias told the Wall Street Journal: “I was not really successful in reading James until I slowed down my reading speed to almost-speaking speed,” he says. That way, “we can sort of mimic the dic- tation.” Ki Sung is the senior editor of MindShift. Prior to joining MindShift in 2014, she was a digital news trainer at NPR. P AGE 14 W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE T RADE