we have to be fully willing to personally help
them develop in those areas. If not, then we are
missing the mark.
[WM] What does leading worship mean for
you personally?
[Zachery] For me, leading worship is so
much more than a song or solo. It’s knowing
that God trusts me enough to have me in a
position to lead our congregation in worship
before His throne. To be able to use my voice
and instrument to lift up the name of Jesus is
the most amazing thing in the world. It’s not a
style thing, and I think that’s where the wheels
run off the wagon for a lot of folks.
If we only do songs based on their popularity,
then it’s not pure worship before God at that
point. Now, I totally understand that our
worship services have to have a certain amount
of appeal and relativity to our era. We also have
to be true to who we are as a church and
congregation individually. What I’m saying is...
onto your team, what would you look for? needing improvement?
[Zachery] Well, I actually just went through [Zachery] I would start by trying to rekindle
this scenario a while back. Since I lead worship their passion for not only the instrument, but
and play lead guitar, what I look for could differ why they play guitar in worship to begin with.
from a worship leader that isn’t a guitarist. First The Bible instructs us that in everything we do,
off, it had to be someone that fit the vision of to do it heartily as unto the Lord (Col. 3:23). Few
our team. Some guys can play the strings off a things can stop someone from advancing in an
guitar, but it won’t last long if they aren’t sincere area they are passionate in, especially when
hearted toward God and the team, don’t have that passion is directly related to the avenue in
a good attitude, or are just there for the “gig”. which they worship God. We don’t just stand
Same with personal responsibility… showing up on a stage, post rig pics, have good tones,
up promptly and fully prepared goes a long way and wail on solos. We are there to help usher
and sadly isn’t as common as it once was. the active and tangible presence of God into
if we “filter feed” God based solely on what is
the room. I would then address the areas in
Lastly, I was looking for someone who could which the improvement was needed in a way
accent what I do. I play most of the lead parts, that would allow the musician to co-discover
so I wanted a seasoned player who not only practical and enjoyable solutions (not just
could play lead, but a guy who was also all demand them to be better). If it’s timing, then
about tone, vibe, and pocket and God blessed practicing with a click can get boring fast. Let’s
me to find that in our guitarist, RPG. Richard find some grooving drum tracks to make it fun!
Propes is his name but we have like three or There are so many avenues players can take
four Richards that work at the church. We call or self-improvement. Resources are all over
him RPG for Richard Propes Guitar. (laughing). the place. They need to know that as worship
leaders we care enough to help them find the
[WM] How would you direct a guitar player
path. If we approved them in their audition, then
September 2019
popular with the rotating “in crowd” of worship
circles, then are we really bringing Him our best?
Every song was new at one point. I could care
less if a song was written in 1819 or 2019. If we
minister with songs based on what they lyrically
speak to us, it makes a difference. This very
thing is evident in our church staff devotionals.
We’ll have a leader sing a Bethel song one day
and everybody will have their hands raised in
worship, then the next day someone may do
a throwback Hillsong tune from the 90’s and
everybody worships with the same heart.
Then the other day, we did “It Is Well” and you
could feel God in the room. That really is my
heart for worship and what it means to me. It’s
worshipping our Savior with all that we have.
He said if He is lifted up, He will draw all men
unto Him. That is the most important thing of
all. Jesus Christ. Him crucified, resurrected, and
soon returning. Everything else is manageable.
[WM] For those looking, Zach is doing
a reboot of his online lessons. Check out
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