[Zachery] Well, you know my Dad was an Dad’s 1974 Martin to play on a record that I’m using amps and cabs and all the options there
evangelist and I played guitar and sang with producing. so that it’s always just an amp rig. Then the HX
my parents. The Crabb Family’s father, Gerald,
Effects is where I’m going to manage all my
was preaching a revival at my home church [WM] We see you posting many pics signal chain and effects and all that stuff. Now
at the time and we (my Dad and our family with Custom Build Guitars. Tell about your all of this is going to be on one pedal board so
group) were doing the music. So, Gerald heard relationship with them. if I show up somewhere and find they have a
me playing with my family and he came up to
backline where I can run out of my pedal board
me and said, “Hey, Jason is starting the band [Zachery] So, I was looking for a builder that to a live amp, all I have to do is plug in and run
back up, would you be interested in playing?” I could not only rep, but have a friendship with. straight to the live amp. Then if I want to go
and I was like, “Sure!” So, he basically handed Someone willing to collaborate on guitars and direct to the house, I’ll have a couple of Radial’s
me a stack of CD’s and said, “Learn these try stuff, and knew their stuff. I found Vaughan, mounted on the board. What this will do for
songs!” (laughs) shot him an email, and went to check out the me is build consistency. That way there is no
shop. Before I left, we were discussing the worry of all the factors that come in to having
I was really blessed in that experience. By the possibility of a Signature guitar. Over the next cabinets and mics getting moved around or
time I was 22 years old, I had played the Grand couple of weeks, the Custom Build guys and shifted around and stuff like that.
Ole Opry like 27 times (or something like that) I went over details and options and the first playing for the Crabb Family. It was really an 12 “Jesus Tele’s” hit the shop. I remember incredible time being able to step on stage and thinking, “I hope folks dig these, because these to be able to talk to people that I had grown up guys went all in”. They sold out before they [Zachery] I use the JH Audio Roxannes.
listening to all those years. You know, I was able were even all setup, and I was blown away. One These are 12-driver in-ears and man, they
to spend some time with Brent Mason and his of those moments that God definitely ordained! sound phenomenal! They look pretty neat, of
brother Randy over my time in Nashville and I
[WM] What in-ears do you use?
course, I’ve got my face on one side and my
did a session with Brent I was able on a couple [WM] What are you running in your signal signature on the other (laughs)! They really are
of occasions to get to hang out with Vince Gill. chain right now? pristine. The Roxannes and a couple of other
Vince is such a nice guy, a great player, and
models have the optional bass on the EQ side
truly loves the music. It was almost like God [Zachery] Well, actually I am just building of it. We keep my signal kind of flat… for these
kind of tipping his hat to me for me to find a board as I jump into the HX Effects / Helix- JH’s, you’re not supposed to be able to gain
myself in situations where I was in more of a world. So, I’ve got an HX Stomp, which is super them out. They pride themselves on the ability
working environment with these musicians that cool. Then I’ve got the HX Effects, then I’m to not be able to overdrive. I know I’ve taken
I had watched on TV and read their names on going to have the expression for it and the Joe them to the limit a time or two! (laughing) The
album credits… and God does that! You know Bonamassa signature Wah and then a volume other day, I ran my ears way too loud and I felt
the Bible says that God rewards them that pedal. This is what I’m looking at using live. I’m it for a while after we got off stage, but no, JH
diligently seek Him. In those areas I see that it very much a tube-amp guy. I love the tone and makes incredible ears… they’re really good!
was God directing my life in that season and He sound of a tube amp, but what I love about this gave me some cool stuff along the way. rig is that, well amp modeling has come a long,
[WM] What are you using for microphones?
long way… instead of just getting a Helix and
[WM] We see online that you have no shortage just using the one pedal board, I still like to have [Zachery] Well for microphones, we run all
of guitars! Which are your go-to guitars for analog parts somewhere in it, you know? Shure stuff. The audio team will switch out
electric and acoustic?
capsules at their discrepancy.
So, what I’m doing is using the HX Stomp to
[Zachery] My go-to Tele is a 1978. It’s loaded
have a stereo amp rig, so in the stomp, I’m [WM] If you were bringing a new guitar player
JesusTele Demo/Explanation Video Rig Rundown 2019
with a Seymour Duncan Vintage Stack (Bridge),
Hot Stack (Middle) and Vintage Mini (Neck). It
also has a McVay G Bender installed. It is the
guitar I learned on (my Dad gave it to me), and
still is my #1 hands down. It has a 7.25 radius,
and the biggest jumbo frets my tech could get.
For acoustic, right now I’m borrowing my
September 2019
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