going to have to learn to play guitar.” And I
basically learned by playing live. I think for me
its all about high energy onstage and it’s all
about going crazy. So it’s about learning how
to be gentler with your hands than you are with
the rest of your body (laughs) if that makes any
sense. When I first started I would hit it really
hard and it would of course be out of tune. So
now its like, okay, it looks like I’m slamming it
and like I’m really gripping it hard, but its just
the rest of my body that’s kind of going crazy
and I’ve learned to back off on the strumming
and the gripping.
[WM] The journey you’re on is not typical one
of a PK (pastor’s kid). Can you tell us what that
looks like from your perspective?
[Korey] Growing up, I got born again when I
was like five years old. I didn’t have the typical
PK story of like, being rebellious and then
coming back to the Lord. I just really loved Him
and I just wanted to serve Him, and whatever
that looked like I didn’t actually care.
I think first you just have to put aside ego. I just
want to live a life of obedience, whatever that
looks like. I think with a lot of musicians, ego
can be mixed in, even for example with our
recording process. It’s like me and John might
get together and write a tune, we know the way
Seth plays and he’s willing to jump in and do
whatever. He doesn’t have the expression of,
“This is what I want the guitars to do”. It’s a
process of serving a song, serving each other,
and serving God.
From the time I was around thirteen I had kind
of prayed to the Lord, “What do you have for
my life?” I’m old so this was back in the day
and the emphasis in the church was “What
is your destiny?” I always felt like it would be
something in music. I didn’t necessarily care
what that looked like. And as I got older I was
practicing, writing, and studying theology,
because to me if God was going to put me
on a platform I wanted to accurately represent
who He is and the truth of His word. I don’t
want this to be about me, and the thing is with
photo by Tim Albertson
September 2019
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