photo by Daniel Parlante
bumped it up five bpm because it just didn’t what I like to play, what I think is going to have
feel as exciting live. It’s just dependent on the the greatest impact and feel. Seth covers all
song and the moments that we want to have. the main stuff that you are used to hearing, but
We might add three minutes to the middle of a there are so many more things going on. So we
song, where John is talking, and it is sort of this choose tracks just depending on what’s going
moving moment, and then it all kicks in again. to translate better live.
Intros and outros are super important for the
also got a Strymon Blue Sky Reverb.
[WM] Are you running in stereo?
[Korey] Yeah, they’re running in stereo.
[WM] What about the guitars, tunings, and
live show and for the flow of the set. [WM] Tell us about your guitar rig? strings?
[WM] Speaking of your live set, how do you [Korey] Seth has is a little more of what I would [Korey] I’ve got a ton of custom 22s, PRS’s,
approaching integrating tracks from your call a Metal sound – he leans a little more that Dragon II pickups, and yes, I’m always in drop
albums into your live performances? way and has those gritty low mids that I scoop tuning. I feel like we’ve got four tunings, and
out of mine. For my live rig I’ve got a Mesa Dual we’ve got baritones as well, SE277 Baritones.
[Korey] We have to pick and choose because Rectifier and a Marshall Plexi reissue, but I’ve I also have a Digitech Drop pedal, so we don’t
we might have sixty-four tracks per song to mix had it modded to sound a little more like an have to have quite so many guitars. We’ll do
for an album. So depending on the complexity old JCM 800, so its got a little more grit. Then Drop A, Drop B, Drop C, Drop C sharp, and
of the recording, we have to ask how were going I’ve got two Mesa 2x12 cabs with Vintage 30 Drop D.
to translate it live. Part of my job today is that speakers. I try to be pretty minimal on my pedal we have three songs from the new album that board even though of course as a guitar player I [WM] What tips and tricks for not making the
we’re adding to the set and I have to figure out want more toys. But the more toys you have the strings go sharp by hitting them too hard in the
exactly what I’m playing, what goes on tracks more potential problems, and its not necessary intensity of the moment?
for live, and what am I supposed to be playing for me. I’ve got a Tube Screamer that runs all the live. Am I going to do keyboards on the verse, time to help get my sound. My tone is a little more [Korey] I am definitely the messier of the two
am I going to kick into guitar on the chorus? harsh and bright and in your face so that our two players, it’s kind of more my thing (laughs).
Seth will cover all the main guitar bits, but we tones layer really nicely with each other. I’ve got I started off with piano and keyboards, and I
write so many guitar parts, even for one song a couple of Source Audio pedals that I love – I only started playing guitar when I was thirty and
we might have eight, nine, ten layers of guitar. love that company and their pedals. I’ve got the in Skillet. So, for our Collide record John was
So I kind of have the opportunity to just choose Nemesis Delay and the Ventris Dual Reverb. I’ve like, “You know, we’re going heavy so you’re
September 2019
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