photo by Daniel Parlante
a singer that also plays bass, they are really bass player left and I couldn’t find anybody. So, [John] I never understood when I first started,
great bass players. I’m not putting myself in the I was like, “Man, it’s one note at a time, how how much the gatekeepers of the rock music
same league as those people, but I will say that hard can it be?” I just picked it up and started world disliked the Christian music scene. I was
playing bass and singing was not all that hard playing bass, and it felt very natural to me. It’s a little naïve. I think that my naivety was because
for me and I don’t know why. I do play guitar funny, I can’t imagine not being a bass player, I always believed that music listeners didn’t
and I’m not very good at it. I have a little bit of I quite love it. care, they didn’t care if Stryper was a Christian
trouble playing guitar and singing, but I don’t
band or not. If the music is good it’s good, if the
with bass. Maybe it’s just because the strings [WM] John, you and Skillet have had an music is bad it’s bad. I feel the same way when
have more space between them or something, amazing journey, and it seems like over the I listen to Metallica, hypothetically if someone
because I play really aggressively. I don’t know if past few years your popularity has grown were to say, “Man, you know that bass player
it’s because I’m from Memphis, maybe I’ve got even stronger. Now with two billion streams in Metallica is into witchcraft?” I would be like,
a little Memphis soul in me, I don’t know what on Pandora, you have joined the very small “No, I don’t really know that, and I don’t really
it is but for some reason it came very natural to Billionaires Club. This feat obviously extends far care, I just like the music”. So, it wouldn’t really
me. I kind of just fell into playing bass, I couldn’t beyond the Christian music world, and into a matter to me personally, so I always kind of
find a bass player for my band. My guitar player world not known for having much “light”. Tell us believed that people wouldn’t really care if it
showed me how to play guitar a little bit, and I about this favor that you have? was Christian or not, they’d just decide if they
played guitar for about six months, but then our
dig it or not.
September 2019
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