my younger brother, who is one of the most not really that big, has four or five teams, and new additions, keeping everyone on the same
incredible worship leaders I know. Then I went is so blessed to have so many skilled and page. There are a lot of different community
on rotation for the main services. I went from talented vocalists and musicians that come things that we have just to keep everyone well
the youth group to the young adults and then to the church and volunteer their time and say connected so that we're not just showing up
to the main services and have been there for that if there's a need they want to fill it. I'm on and having a job, so to speak, but it's a family.
about ten years now at the Dwelling Place here one of the four or five different teams, so every I'm so grateful to be a part of the worship team
in Houston. week whether for Wednesdays or Sundays, family there at Dwelling Place.
the various teams are scheduled and always
[WM] Tell us about the worship team there rotating and changing. This way when we send On another note, it's vitally important to have
and what songs you are using there to lead teams overseas to minister and help our sister community outside the church services you're
worship with? churches the main house doesn't suffer. No one preparing for, and outside of the church itself.
is saying that worship was terrible this week Just staying close and connected in each
[Daniel] Our church has a massive heart for because our primary team was out of town. It's other's lives, and having friends you can confide
world missions, so we send out teams a couple not like that, we always have a primary team, in, and people that you can trust. A lot of times
times a month to different sister churches in and we're continually growing and adding we can get so big or focused on just church,
places like Bulgaria, Japan, or Hong Kong, that we can lose sight of just connecting on
China. All over the globe, we send different a relational basis with our family there, at the
teams of pastors and worship leaders. At our church. And like I said, I'm so grateful for the
church, all of the pastors and leaders are like, ways that we've learned to do it at my home
“We don't want to send all of the teams out church.
and then have our primary services here at
home suffer because the main worship leader
is rarely here.” So they devised a structure
that has multiple teams. Our church, though
[WM] How do you lead and stay engaged with
Joy in Your Waters
October 2019
the Holy Spirit?
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