and your sister and brothers, have pretty good was going to go into Broadway. I get Opera a church and having the ability to help. I was like,
voices, you should try out for our choir." So a lot because Ninja Warrior has showcased my “Okay Lord this isn't what I love but I'll help
little reluctantly I jumped onto the choir at my singing a few times on the show. When people out because I see it and I want to help.” They
church and got into singing. I was terrified hear that I performed with an Opera company, needed a bass player and I played a little bit of
though of doing any type of solo stuff. Getting a they think I must be a trained Opera singer. I bass, so I did that too.
little older, we joined a choir for homeschoolers was a skilled Classical and Broadway singer called Joyful Sound Home School Choir and my and performer and my Opera is very limited.
skills took off. I loved it. I loved the community.
I picked up the bass guitar and started learning
on an Alvarez six-string Jazz guitar, and it
I loved being able to sing. Later we got into [WM] Tell us about your journey to becoming was a lot of fun. That was about seven years
UIL performing and competing at TMEA, Texas a worship leader? ago, I was still in high school at the time. Then
Music Educators Association, and all-state
after a few months of doing that they were
choirs. We were able to compete in both the [Daniel] While I was in high school; as I like, "Actually Daniel, you've got a pretty good
public and private school competitions. So, in all was competing and was singing as a form of voice, would you like to lead a song?" So,
four years of high school I was very successful. I ministry in the programs that I was a part of. At I started to lead songs there, and after a few
found my niche in how to train, how to prepare, church when I was in high school there was a more years and after graduating high school,
how to perform, and I absolutely loved and still need on the youth worship team and they had they asked if I wanted to be a full-time worship
love singing classically. It was how I grew up auditions. They found out that I was a choir kid leader on youth. So I did that. Then when the
and how I was trained to do it. and they were like, "Oh Daniel, you sing, do you head worship leader moved up and became
want to come do background vocals?" And I a leading pastor, they asked if I wanted to be
[WM] When you say Classical, do you mean was like, “Sure.” But I didn't have a huge desire the head pastor for the youth group. So I did
Opera? to at first because contemporary Christian that for about a year and realized it wasn't
music is modern and it wasn't what I was used my gifting as far as the leading, directing and
[Daniel] A little bit of Opera. I've honestly to singing. And part of me didn't even like the scheduling. I'm more of a learn my part, show
done more Broadway than Opera. I thought I idea. What I did like was seeing a need in the up, and do it person. I gave that position to
October 2019
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