I guess the DNA and the core spirit of Hillsong native homeland, and I’m curious to know if [WM] Looking back at the Brooke of “All of the
Worship is that we might be centered all around God gave you a download of what He had in Above”, what are the most important lessons
the world at this point, but we are still building store for your life before you embarked on the you’ve learned and how have they impacted
one church and we are local church people. journey you’re on? what and how you do things today?
We have a global platform, and certainly the
regional influence of Hillsong at this stage is [Brooke] Wow, no one has ever asked crazy. It’s a testament to the grace of God, me that before. The answer is “yes”. It’s also and the anointing of God. We’re local church something that has been so life defining and people, were not Christian rock stars, we’re sacred to me that I actually don’t really share local church builders. I think that is the thing the details with people. But yeah, I was fifteen that really defines our culture. We can be on when I got saved. I was fifteen or sixteen when these big stages at these conferences or I heard from God about some things that He whatever, but I’m here leading in Orange was asking me specifically to do. And I knew County, California to two hundred people. So, that would come with a greater understanding our actual weekly experience is the same or and great sacrifice. My option was either I say similar to that of many worship leaders and a deep yes and a hard yes to Jesus, or I try worship teams around the country. We’re just and do Christianity my own way. Which really in there with people, and all of the mess and is not Christianity at all. So, I chose the deep, miracle that it comes with. hard yes to Jesus, and He has blown my mind. [Brooke] I suppose I have more grace and
And it hasn’t been a vacation (laughs), but it has more patience with myself and also with the
[WM] I remember visiting a hotel in Auckland, been more of a wondrous adventure than I had lessons that come along the way in terms of
New Zealand and seeing a poster of you in the ever could have imagined. God is very good navigating.
lobby. A lot has happened since you left your and very gracious… very sovereign.
November 2019
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