all be in play. Your new book, “I Am Redeemed: you need to say, “Hey everybody. I am dealing and we could occupy the entire basement. We
Learning to Live in Grace”, has just been with this right now will somebody please pray?” could even get drums in there! It was the first
released. Tell us about the book and how you Honestly even just with the confession of it time that from top to bottom the record was
have personally allowed grace to impact your most of it gets taken care of, I can tell you. The recorded at Jeremy’s, all of it. Sometimes we
life towards that “blessed hope”? enemy just wants to keep us in the corner and would go get drums somewhere else and bring
in the dark, sucker punch us and just beat us them back and we would all play our parts on it
[Mike] First of all, I never could have finished up so badly. When we turn on the light so to and sing in Jeremy’s closet or whatever, but this
this book without Jim Scherer, he’s been our speak and just say, “Hey I’m struggling over time we had a lot more space and he and our
manager for eighteen years and he manages here”, then whatever is in the light is no longer drummer Brian just got to kind of chase some
all of the creative bees that are in my head and subject to the darkness. idea with different drums sounds and directions
he helped wrangle them into this. It really has
and all of that stuff. They had a blast and I feel
been though hope. Hope is a way to see. The [WM] Let’s talk about your music. The song, scripture that says, “My people perish through “Alive” released earlier this year as a single. lack of vision” I think really is talking about hope. It rose to number one on the radio charts [WM] I love the song, “I Know”, co-written
Learning to live in grace is about the process and became the name for your current 2019 by yourself along with Hank Bentley and Benji
for me. I heard Wendy Backlund said one time, national tour diary. What can you tell us about Cowart. The lyrics are brutally honest, yet the
“Religion only celebrates perfection, but God the overall recording experience of the new truths expressed are so affirming.
celebrates progress”. 12-song album, When the Light Comes, which
includes “Alive”?
like you can hear the blast on that record.
What was the collaboration process like for that
Regarding the self-hatred in my life; it’s this
song? The three of you must have had quite a
crazy cycle where I’ll just be very disappointed [Mike] It was unbelievable, these songs were in myself. And you mentioned weight, but that’s all written from the place of the last season really just one part of it, that’s not all of it. It’s a that we’ve been though about encountering “You don't answer all my questions
bunch of different stuff. It’s me not being able the faithfulness of God when you don’t see But you hear me when I speak
to live up to a standard that I’m somehow okay the answer to your prayer the way you thought You don't keep my heart from breakin'
with. I compare myself with other people and it would be. All of these songs are really just But when it does, you weep with me
I always want to be them in that way. When I multiple facets of what we have seen from God You're so close that I can feel you
find myself in that cycle again, I get upset with in a way that I don’t know we could have ever When I've lost the words to pray
myself for being in that place again. It’s this asked for. By God not answering necessarily And though my eyes have never seen you
awful cycle. When the Lord spoke that word to in the way we thought, we encountered Him I've seen enough to say
me it was so good, because the Lord stopped in our sorrow and in our disappointment, and me at one point when I was doing it again and in those times when we thought, “God where I know that you are good
I was upset that I had been doing it again, He are You?” For as much as I ask why I would I know that you are kind
stopped me and said, “It just took you a week, never get an answer, but as soon as I asked I know that you are so much more
it used to take you three months.” And all of a God, “What are you doing?” Instantly I would Than what I leave behind
sudden, I could see it. That’s progress, we’re see Him working in a million different ways. This I know that I am loved
growing towards something. record was born from that place. I know that I am safe
You live in this place where you’re like “how can Jeremy Redmon, our guitar player, records all gain
I be here again?” and it’s not really the exact of our music and produces all of our projects, I know that you are good
same place. It may be the same lie or whatever and this was the first time at his house. He the enemy is telling you, but it’s really not the moved into a new place that had a basement
bit to discuss in writing that song.
Cause even in the fire to live is Christ, to die a
I don't understand the sorrow
same place. We’re going somewhere with God. But you're calm within the storm
What I found out is that I just have to blow the Sometimes this weight is overwhelming
whistle on it while it’s happening. There is a But I don't carry it alone
song on this record called “Turn on the Light”. You're still close when I can't feel you
My brother went through suicidal thoughts I don't have to be afraid
after his amputation, and I go through this stuff
when I get in these cycles of self-hatred. But
And though my eyes have never seen you
November 2019
I've seen enough to say”
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