in you. Your hands right now are the hands of river, how in the world could this even happen? I just really sense God’s heart, and I feel like
Jesus. Your voice right now can be the voice of It’s literally just survival for these people. We sat God changes my heart every time we leave and
Jesus to people who are hurting. So, they start in the trash heaps with these kids who live in then come back. I really thought I would have a
ministering over each other, and were trying to the trash in Cambodia, and we were being silly, guilty feeling because I have so much and they
just follow how the Lord is leading. It’s been a and they just laughed. Oh my God, just thinking have so little, but all of a sudden it really gives
really amazing journey to see how God uses about their day-to-day life, they’re just these a purpose to having so much more, because
His touch. people who are kind of forgotten. What’s crazy we can help and we can be a help to people
is that somehow, I get the blessing when we all over. My brother man, he’s sponsored like
[WM] BDW’s calling extends beyond our leave the country, because when I come back, twenty children, he has to do fundraising to
American borders. With your work over the I don’t look at anything the same way as before. take care of his World Vision habbit.
ministered as far away as Tanzania and Every time we travel outside of the country to [WM] Your songs consistently point to hope.
Cambodia. How has your experience with see the conditions of the people in the villages, Hope is a wonderful thing, and something
years with World Vision, you’ve visited and
World Vision been? What common threads, our troubled world is in desperate need of.
and differences, exist in reaching out across The Bible says, “But the Lord takes pleasure
international borders? in those who fear him, in those who hope in
his steadfast love” (Psalm 147:11). In order to
[Mike] I see His heart. I see the heart of Jesus embrace “hope”, Believers must also accept
in the faces of little kids. I got so wrecked in “grace”, but grace is often a 4-way street. Our
Cambodia, because human trafficking is just grace toward ourselves and with others, God’s
this whole other thing there. The fact that you grace toward us, and even our grace toward
can be solicited by a five-year-old down by the
with World Vision
November 2019
God when we trust him and wait upon him, can
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