there were three people that night. I remember “You know what, I just want you to know this, saw God do the miraculous in the stories that
I prayed for all three of them who were dealing it’s been about two years since we prayed would come from it. It was just unbelievable,
with that. about this whole thing. It was really a rough man. In particular my brother Jay saw Jesus
spot in my marriage, but I want you to know run off cancer. We just saw crazy, crazy, crazy
For the next several months God would speak that were listening to your songs while we’re miraculous things. And then for him to go
very clearly about stuff that was happening in painting the nursery, we’re having twins.” through what he went through after that was a
the room, and there would always be three of
very difficult thing.
them for everything he was saying. It was crazy I just remember feeling so encouraged by that, because we later began hearing stories back of and I could tell you stories for hours of what The other thing we saw during that time was a
what Jesus was doing. Two years later after that started happening, because then it wasn’t just little bit of a shift where people started coming
initial prayer time I get this message from this me. The opening bands started coming out and to the shows because they wanted to get
lady. A lady that I prayed for who was having we’d all be praying for people. And then one- prayed for by one of us, by a person from the
a hard time having children, and the Lord said by-one Big Daddy Weave would go missing as band. And that’s really not what that was about,
really specifically in that moment, “You don’t each member left the stage. We would leave so now when the Lord brings a word like that
have children, but you are a mother”. And so, our keyboard player Joe up there playing some we will get people in the audience to pray for
I just said what He was saying. Two years later choruses while we were all out there praying each other now, in order to show that this is
she sent this message to me on Facebook, for people. It was really crazy, but we just not about us, it’s about Jesus, and Jesus lives
November 2019
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