find so refreshing is your treatment of concert could possibly do outside of “this”. We were you, we’re here, and we’re just going to take a
guests. I know your actions mean the world to talking with someone before a show in Amarillo, couple minutes.”
those in attendance, because you’ve chosen Texas, and I said, “Sometimes I just feel like we that better way of truly connecting with them. need to shut everything down and just pray I didn’t think anybody would come, but people
That’s really what it’s all about. During an age for people”, and he looked at me and said, started coming and I just prayed for whoever
when many artists only agree to meet concert “Mike, you should do that. You should do that was there. Then the next night before we went
goers through paid “meet and greets” and tonight”. I thought, “Oh my gosh”, because I on, I was in the bathroom washing my hands,
compensated selfie photo ops, you guys follow didn’t really mean it, I was just talking out of and I heard so clearly, “There are people out
your concerts with personal ministry time, frustration and talking really spiritual sounding, there who can’t have kids, you need to tell
praying one-on-one with and for your guests. but I really didn’t mean that. Then it came time them that I have not forgotten about them.” I
Tell us about those times? that night in the show, and I saw him sitting was like, “For real God, in the bathroom? What
out there in the seats and I was embarrassed, in the world is going on?” I thought I was kind
[Mike] Oh my gosh man, we were about I wanted to save face you know, and so I half- of going crazy. But so I just said it when it came
ready to hang it up. I remember the night that heartedly wandered down into the audience to that time of the night, I said, “Hey, I’m down
it happened, we were just so dry. I think the and I just said, “Well, you know, we’re all here if you guys want to pray, and the Lord just
other guys would probably echo this, but it’s hurting, and I just want you to know you’re not wants to say this, ‘if you’re struggling having
like you’re just dreaming about what else you alone in that. If you need someone to pray with kids, He has not forgotten about you’””. And
November 2019
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