Worship Musician November 2018 | Page 79

to the easier and smoother title “Don’t Hold to the bookstores or the record shops. Those work with fine producers such as the ones on Back”. On this particular tune, I had the chorus guys were always fun to hang with and really the All At Once album I did a couple years ago.  idea, and Phil and I filled out the verses together seemed enthused about their job promoting in his studio. And it’s such a fun guitar ride. our records. Good producers are the ones who bring the   best out of you musically, lyrically and vocally. I [WM] Both of you have seen a lot change in Also, the really good A&R people – those believe Rex is really a fine producer and, in my the music industry over the years and the days who showed a real true interest in your music opinion, it shows on this project.  of “big record companies” have surely waned. and helped you select best songs for an LP What do you each miss about those days and or project.  [Rex] Besides actually (eventually) getting what are you grateful for as more “indie” artists/ producers? paid royalties, I guess I miss the fact that the As indie artists and producers, I feel a greater artist didn’t also have to be the marketing sense of freedom and creativity although I have staff, promoter, booking agent, psychiatrist, [Phil] One of the best things of the old days had patches where the help of a producer venture capitalist, manager, webmaster, social with the record companies was getting to know would have been a great benefit. media wizard, graphics designer, publicist, the field guys – those guys who went around the country and their regions and took our albums administrator, etc. But I guess I gotta put on my In recent years, I’ve had the good fortune to November 2018 big boy pants now. (laughing) WorshipMusician.com 79