lyrics and melodies to tempos that seemed
were very special.
[WM] One of my favorite songs on the record
appropriate to the song. I really relished making
“Don’t’ Hold Back” you guys co-wrote, tell us
arrangements that show Phil’s awesome vocals Many guitarists were playing Ken’s guitars and I about that song?
and guitar in that Progressive Rock context - was fortunate to be one of them. Ken Marshall,
you know, he did help create that genre! who worked with Ken, designed a guitar for [Phil] Truly one of my favorite songs on
me that I play still to this day live but mostly on the album! The content of the lyric contains
[WM] Phil, this question is for you. With the recordings. It was designed like a Strat body some of the most important truths of how we
recent passing away of Ken Hoover of Zion with two humbucking pick- ups’, a Kahler should live our Christian lives – that is caring for
Guitars. Tell us about the man himself and also tremolo system and options of split coil, parallel those less fortunate. I’m so glad that this song
some about his guitars – who you still play to series or full humbuckers. it’s the most versatile is on the album stating the most important
this day? guitar that I own. thing we can do…that is to love our fellow man
[Phil] God bless Ken Hoover! I met Ken But back to Ken – he was an amazing guy and back in the late 70s, he was a visionary, a very will be sadly missed. He endured MS for so [Rex] The original title was “As You Have Done
creative person and loved the Lord with all his many years, but was always smiling, cheerful It Unto Them”, around the paradigm altering
heart. The Zion guitars made in those days and ever so encouraging! context of Matthew 25:40. The title evolved
and especially the children!
November 2018