When you’re the leader at the top of anything, processes, and as long as it uses the blessed We want to empower people within this model.
you’re actually the chief servant. You’re there as ministry model and God is the top priority, Whether you’re serving in a new church that is
the one to serve what everyone else is doing, to I think it can open the doors for discussion just developing its models, or a church that’s
put wind in their sails, and to serve the people about doing something a different way. It’s also established with many years of experience and
you’re leading. crucial to give people room to leave their areas processes, you can stay healthy and relevant
and bring some of what they’ve learned and and connect people together using that
[WM] There is another unique dichotomy their area of knowledge into it. This can also model. We can come up with processes in our
that exists for worship pastors, especially involve asking people who’ve served in a role individual areas and continually ask ourselves if
experienced ones. You’re hired to carry out for a long time to be open to doing something how we’re doing something is the best way to
the vision of the church, and you come in with differently than before. The heart of it all is do it now, as long as we’re functioning under
experiences and ideas of your own. You’re that if God is at the top. We can continually the model of God is first, people are second,
also becoming part of a team with experiences connect people together because people can and processes are third. There are times when
and ideas that have been shaped over time. always rally around that model. So, whatever I’m able to contribute what I know to fill in the
Can you offer advice on how to bring hearts we’re doing, whether recording an album for gaps, but many times leading something that
together in unity, while keeping models fresh God’s glory or scheduling people for services already existed is simply building on what’s
and relevant? for God’s glory, God is always at the top of the already been built, and not throwing out the
equation. If the blessed ministry model isn’t good things that were already present. I’ve also
[Mark] I feel it’s often a matter of using a good adhered to, and God becomes second or third, learned in the last two years of doing this that
stewardship model and being willing to “die then the ministry model is not the best it can being a leader means being a listener; if I’m
to our preferences and die to our references.” be. If we’re constantly reminding ourselves willing to listen to the thoughts and ideas around
At Gateway, we operate according to the of the real mission - that everything we do is me and I’m willing to ask why something’s been
blessed ministry model, which means God about connecting people to God, and we’re done in a particular way before, we can usually
is always the top priority, people are second, following that model, all of those ministries will add to what’s been done and make it even
and processes are third. There are times make sense. better. I had thought that what I inherited in
when you can approach leadership with new
leadership over Gateway worship was a solid –
November 2018