Abrahanny Photography
“favorites” about the worship community here. new, young worship leaders who will serve and roles. I love giving people the opportunity to
At Central, which is the overarching system impact the next generation. be successful in their roles, and if what they
that serves every campus, I feel like I’m able
did wasn’t productive, then we can talk about
to be a “player coach” for our whole worship [WM] Mark, can you share what your what didn’t work. My leadership approach
community. As Southlake’s Worship Pastor, I leadership approach is in leading the day- and heart for each area isn’t to micromanage,
get to lead worship on a campus level, so I have to-day ministries that you oversee (Gateway because I can’t do it all on my own, or make
a really unique perspective into an individual Worship, Production, it my own version of what they need to look
campus community as well. The combination Gateway Performing Arts, Gateway Prayer like. I always want to ensure they’re continually
of overseeing and supporting all the campuses & Prophetic) as well as leading the artistry of looking exactly like what Pastor Robert’s
and serving as a campus worship pastor lets me GATEWAY, and Gateway Kids Worship through original vision and mission for the church has
see what it feels like to implement the models music projects and song writing? always been, and that’s to connect people to
that we put together at Central, and watch
God. Furthermore, as a leader, I’ve learned that
them play out uniquely through the worship [Mark] Whether it’s artistry or ministry focused, models may change, but the mission and heart
leadership and communities at our campuses. God needs to be at the center of it all. If it behind what we do and why we do it never
I think we have a very healthy model, and I love becomes about the process of these things and does. Much of that leadership is ensuring that
the variety of everything we get to do, from we leave God out of the equation, then we miss we’re adhering to that mission, and as the man
seeing Performing Arts’ live productions play the mark. God is always our number one priority, leading it, I feel great responsibility to work with
out on the platform, to being able to serve in and as a leader, though I’m responsible for that at the forefront of my mind. I also know
Production by making new albums and writing overseeing all of those areas, I know that I don’t that there will be someone who will follow in
new songs. own them. Rather, I am the steward of them, my footsteps when I’m not serving in this role
and I’m responsible for actively serving and anymore; I want to build it in such a way that
Lastly, one of my greatest joys is being able to empowering the people in these departments leaves it better than I found it, and I inherited
take part in shaping, molding, and pastoring to do what they’ve been asked to do in their something that was very healthy to begin with.
November 2018