[Tyler] Tye Tribbett… playing with him is Also, I played and currently play with some Although it’s a single coil, it has a depth to it,
like going on the world’s tallest, craziest other pretty stellar people: Jojo (Pop), Coffey a beef to it, yet enough clarity to make really
rollercoaster and trying to stay focused! Anderson (CCM/ overdriven sounds just cut through the mix like
I learned so much from the depth of his Gospel), Press Play (Christian pop) and Kevin butter. And obviously it cleans up like a champ.
musicality and how he challenges himself to Levar (Gospel).
create things that are so far beyond the norm
[WM] What about Teles make them you ‘go-
in music. The changes he would come up, the [WM]
licks, the subtle substitutions and the speed at and produce. What did you do to build
which all these things would happen – it was those ‘chops’?
to’ worship axe?
[Tyler] I think they’re very simply laid out.
Two knobs and a three-way pickup selection…
[Tyler] I usually have a hard time explaining no glitz or glam, just plain and simple. In a
BJ Putnam… playing with him is one of my this. I know that as a kid, my Dad told me to modern worship environment, you’re typically
favorite things to do because we’re so much sit by the radio and try to use my ear to pick wanting to achieve tone and dynamics that
alike on a musical level. He wants the music out the parts that were being played. To this are very consistent, so I think it’s what makes
to run its course, but is open for soloing and day, my strongest gift I believe is to be able to people gravitate to it. Also, it’s very iconic and
jamming as well, which is kind of rare in most dissect parts, dissect chords, dissect sounds. rounded as a tool. You can get big gain, verge-
worship circumstances. He’s big into flow As a producer, you begin to be a student of of-breakup rhythms, searing leads, clear dotted
and hardly ever plans a set list, so it definitely sound design, so that has definitely shaped a 8th, straight up twang, straight up blues,
keeps you on your toes, always observing and lot of the production stuff I’ve done. As far as straight up jazz – it’s a dream come true.
anticipating. building chops, I honestly don’t have a crazy routine or practice that’s my ‘go-to’. I really [WM] You had a killer tone when I saw you
Ricardo Sanchez… he’s such a fun, dynamic focus more on feel and creativity usually when with Ricardo! What are the ‘go-to’ pedals on
person and it emanates from him when we’re I’m building arrangements on guitar specifically. your board and how did you hear about them?
out playing. He loves to dig in deep and bring Like I said, my ability to translate material from the energy. He’s also a profound preacher, so my ears to my hands is a gift from God I believe.
I love backing him up! Working on the “Taste
[Tyler] Man, I appreciate that. So, I’m just
gonna get this out of the way, I am a gear nerd!
and See” album really made me confront my [WM] You’re primarily a Tele player these I study all kinds of new gear, including studio
tone and my feel… and it was a wonderful days, was that always your go to guitar? gear and PA and all kinds of gear you can
exploration that I feel translated so well on that
imagine. I secretly want to be Pete Thorn one
[Tyler] Over the span of almost two decades, day, because he is my gear-demoing hero. How
the Tele has been a staple in my guitar arsenal. I hear about gear is typically word-of-mouth,
Lucia Parker… most of the stuff I’ve done I’ve probably owned 40-50 guitars… Gibsons, because I like hearing real-life encounters with
with her is in Spanish, but working on her new Ibanezes, Strats, Gretsches, Duesenbergs, and the gear, but I also lurk the depths of The Gear
project “Revive” on the road, I really got into for some reason I always find my way back to Page and YouTube.
setting up scenes via midi from a controller on them. I think they fit my musical and ideological my pedalboard, and it helped with the initial philosophy in life, it’s just a ‘well-rounded’ But I tend to have a really simple philosophy
tour so much! She’s a powerhouse on stage so guitar. With the help of just a pedal or two, I on my sound. It’s hinges really deeply, really
it forced me to bring the same kind of energy. can make a Tele sit in any musical scenario. critically on the pedalboard… but ironically
November 2017