but as I began discovering the awesomeness the other aspects of the “soulful” side of guitar divine intervention because his band is stupid
of guitar I gravitated to people like Hendrix, playing when I got into Michael Jackson, good and most of the time I’m just trying to
Stevie Ray Vaughn, and a lot of Classic Rock/ Prince, John Mayer Trio, and I am a huge hang in there with the rest of the crew!
Southern Rock like the Allman Brothers, Jonny Lang fan. If I had my own solo project Skynyrd, Kansas, ZZ Top, U2... basically it would undoubtedly sound like him! Also, I’m [WM] What were some of the most valuable
anything that had interesting guitar; that felt mesmerized by Brad Paisley... he makes me lessons you took away from that experience?
like it was part of a band instead of just a solo want to quit guitar. And naturally, being in the guitarist. Although I genuinely appreciate guys church world I started to pick up the beauty [Tyler] Man, where to begin? I guess one of
like Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, and Eric Johnson, of Hillsong United with Nigel and his approach the main things I took away is that the kingdom
I’ve always been more drawn to bands and the to effects in music... it challenged me to start of God is so much bigger and greater than my
beauty of the kind of chemistry that comes from diving into gear and to discover new sounds. typical American perception. It looks different
it, the energy and determination that it creates.
and sounds different across the earth, but the
I was in a bunch of local bands all throughout [WM] You toured and recorded as part of message and the hope of Jesus is the same.
High School. A lot of my guitar playing ironically Israel & New Breed for the Grammy-winning We’re all seeking to share the gospel, to grow
started around the Punk Rock/Alt Rock/Emo “Covered: Alive in Asia” disc. How did that deeper in our walks with the Lord. The people
era. Bands like Creed, Pearl Jam, Further Seems come about? of Asia are beautiful, kind people! They’re way
Forever, Relient K, Supertones, early Switchfoot,
more hospitable and honoring than the current
and early Skillet – they really shaped my [Tyler] I had been touring with Israel and NB American culture. Their food is absolutely
Rock & Roll grit. for a few years prior actually, a little bit after they amazing and their admiration for tradition
had recorded the “Jesus at the Center” album. is astounding.
Later when I got into the one and only year I I had even already been on a run a year prior went to college, I got really into Metal and when we did Indonesia and Malaysia. But I Also, being of a part of the record, I became
started jumping into the Hardcore scene. My had actually just moved from Los Angeles to very aware of how rigorous and overwhelming
brother and I would go to a lot of shows. I really Austin, TX with the family to become the Music a project of that magnitude actually is. We’re
started getting into the “riffing creatively” zone. Director at Celebration Church with Pastor talking weeks of rehearsing twelve hours a
Then I started reaching back to 80’s hair metal Joe Champion. I got a call within the first few day, in multiple locations across the globe.
and absolutely loved the sheer audacity of it months of being there that they were wanting Late nights, early mornings for weeks on end.
being totally glam and completely articulate to do another live album like the South Africa Hashing out material, then forcing yourself
at amazing solos... Bon Jovi, Whitesnake… one, but this time to do it in Asia, spread out to re-hash something even better. And then
Van Halen was a legend, but I think the guy across multiple countries. Naturally, I was coordinating all the recording dates with six
who I gleaned the most from, at least from a super hyped about it! But I literally met Israel different venues in six different countries, many
stylistic standpoint was Slash. He was a super just because I happened to be playing guitar at of which English isn’t the primary language!
aggressive player that blended the Rock thing church one Sunday morning he came through
with the Blues thing in a way that felt so right Los Angeles. I’ve always believed that being [WM] Tell us about some of the other artists
to me. faithful to the house of God is where God can you’ve worked with and how that has impacted
use you in the best ways and He can be the you as a player and musician?
It wasn’t until a few years later I discovered
one that promotes you. So, it was definitely
November 2017