Worship Musician NovDec16 | Page 33

THEBAND JOURNEY ON! My journey in life thus far has been a series of gift of creativity. Creative people don’t typically steps that are so evidently ordered by God. No struggle with vision; we can dream something one just arrives somewhere without the journey. up in a second. We struggle more with the There’s always a road to travel and a process reality that just because we can imagine and to go through to get anywhere. Certainly not dream it, doesn’t mean we’re supposed to do all of the steps I’ve taken have been the right it. Learning to hear and listen to God’s voice or best ones, but even then God’s providence becomes even more critical for us. TOM LANE Tom & his wife Patty live in Nashville, TN. Worship Pastor of Belmont Church, a member of Blues Counsel band. Traveled to over 35 countries; leading worship, teaching, recording, & performing www.TomLane.com was ever at work for my benefit. I can’t say that I’ve utterly enjoyed all of the processes and pits So, I just now took a coffee break to catch up I’ve fallen into, but I can say they’ve helped me with an old buddy I’ve not seen in awhile. We go grow and have become part of who I am now. way back here in Nashville. We were discussing how after all this time what has mattered the Music came naturally for me, I entered the most is that God has held on to us through all world with an unstoppable passion for it and the changes, ups, downs, failures, etc. Jesus is deep connection to it—God built that into my the constant! He made the comment that “The those plans will go the way we imagine, but He hardware. Though I could’ve run from it, I never journey’s still on,” and so it is indeed. God is steers and guides us like the Good Shepherd wanted or even thought to. As far back as I never done with us or unable to lead us further He is. The past need not have power over us, remember I was driven and planned to spend into His purposes for our lives. We also talked nor dictate where we go. Even the hard stuff my life making music. For some it’s not as clear about how we’re in an amazing time, seeing is covered and forgiven. It’s part of our story of a decision. Everyone’s story is unique. No the fruit of a generation of young people that now, and if surrendered and healed, it fortifies matter how we come to be a part of music have been raised up as worshippers, giving us our walk of faith as we journey on! or what our desires are, it’s a joy and clearly some great new artists and talents. Here’s the something God has ordained and created for thing: No one person, albeit a pastor, parent, a purpose. leader, producer, friend, employer, mystic, or theologian, can tell you what to do with your What’s hard is identifying what that purpose talent ultimately. Nor can anyone put limits on really is. Just because we love it or feel it naturally how God may use you and your talent. What it doesn’t mean it’ll make us a living or that we’ll means though is you need to know and be able each have the same opportunities or skill levels. to give an answer for why you pursue and do As believers in Jesus we sometimes say that what you do. we are called to do music, and most know what we mean, but music itself isn’t the call. The call It’s important to know the difference between is to live according to God’s purposes and will what we are called to do and what our talents through relationship with Jesus. We’re actually and gifts are. Sometimes they intertwine, but signing up for a road trip on a narrow highway not always, making it harder to discern the right that requires faith, commitment, discipline, and best steps to take in our journey. Thus far work, and trust. The road is also paved with I’ve never had it appear before me on a big grace, mercy, compassion, and kindness. screen. What I have learned though is God That’s how we make it! doesn’t call us to pursue our ambitions and dreams at the expense of a consistent walk It’s easy for creative ambition and talent to with Him and pursuit of His kingdom. There’s become our drivers, but we’re aiming for freedom and opportunity to go for the moon, something higher than fulfilling and achieving but He asks that we seek Him first. our dreams. How that factors into our musical lives is interesting and not as easy as it We can trust Him with our talents and dreams— sounds. I don’t think it means that we can’t we have a promise that He’s always ordering explore, venture, and fly—that’s part of the our steps as we make our plans. Not all of Nov  Dec 2016 WorshipMusician.com 33