Worship Musician NovDec16 | Page 32

EQUIPPINGTHECHURCH HOW BADLY DO YOU WANT IT? “BIBLICAL WORSHIP” fact, so dominant are the music portions and How often have you heard that term? Dozens preaching/teaching portions that the other of times? Hundreds? What is it? What three, revelation, tongue, and interpretation do Well, that is that in so many churches. And two- does it mean? Does it exist? Is it personal? not even exist. dimensional churches they are. Are you willing Congregational? Both? Should our worship done. That’s that!” to accept the Biblical challenge of experiencing services exhibit it? Can we tackle this in a one Do we dare ask the question, “Why is this?” Do a broader spectrum of ministry in your worship page article?!! Let’s give it a shot. we have the guts to both ask and answer this gatherings? All of these elements are designed question? Let’s try. Is it due to precedent? Is by God to edify, encourage, and educate the I heard the pastor of a large church once say it because of convenience? How about being believers. Certainly no one would find fault with that the Bible says nothing about how or what due to ignorance? Or safety? Perhaps no one that. Let us not leave out any element that we should do in a worship service. Therefore wants to rock the boat. The safe, serene waters God intended to be used for the equipping we are on our own to figure it out or do what we of our church’s habits and traditions may be too of His saints. want. I find that perspective a little scary in light comfortable to disturb with scripture waves. of all the Biblical directives given to us regarding Well, we know what Jesus did a few times with Do you want to experience this in your lifetime? behavior, attitude and perspectives of our new His disciples, boats, and waves! Or should it be left to the next generation? Are life in Christ. That it did not address what we we called to fulfill that which is in our grasp, should do when assembling for services, If the Bible directive for a worship service cannot or is it more important to maintain the status gatherings, or meetings would be a gross be exercised in the church, where should it be quo? Are we big enough to get smaller? Can omission. Luckily, or perhaps faithfully, we are exercised? Is this passage not for the whole we decrease that He may increase? not facing a void in this area. I Corinthians church, past, present, and future? Isn’t God 14:26 says, “What then shall we say, brothers big enough to handle it? In fact, if His word Would this mean less music? Perhaps. Perhaps and sisters? When you come together, each instructs it, and He initiates it, shouldn’t the more music at times. Would this mean less of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, church benefit from it? Who are we to eliminate preaching? Perhaps. Perhaps more preaching, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. any part of it, omit it, or ignore it? How badly teaching, and revelation at times. In other Everything must be done so that the church do we want to adhere to Biblical directive? Not words, the strict scripted and pre-planned may be built up.” (NIV) enough to disturb our comfort zone? service would be amendable by the Spirit Here we have a succinct format for what A little further on in I Cor 14, vs 29, it says, understand how to hear and implement the should be included in our services. They are: “Two or three prophets should speak, and the leading and prompting of the Spirit. a hymn (song), word of instruction (teaching), others should weigh carefully what is said.” a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. It OK, you might be saying, “Who is this Paul guy Let us decide to decrease that He may increase is clear to see that two of these elements are anyway? Doesn’t he know that we have it down in a palpable way in our services and in the lives active in most churches – music and teaching. when it comes to what we do in our services? of our congregation. Please email me with any Add announcements and an offering and Stop mentioning all this revelation, tongues, questions, comments or discussion points. you have a typical worship service in most interpretation, and prophet stuff. We have our evangelical and fundamental churches. In worship time, message, offering, and we’re of God, provided the pastors and ministers DAVID GAUTHIER A musician, worship leader and songwriter with (gulp!) over 40 years worship leading experience, as well as 26 years with CCLI in sales, marketing and publisher affiliation. 32 Nov  Dec 2016 WorshipMusician.com