Worship Musician NovDec16 | Page 16

VOCALS ARE YOU A GIFTED VOCALIST? There are probably not a lot of folks out there that think they are amazing singers, but I often hear people who refer to their voice as a “gift” from God. Many people believe that God has gifted them vocally and therefore they need to use this gift. Whether or not that is true, and how to determine that, could have many ramifications overall, but what I would like to deal with is how that affects the way you view your voice and ultimately how to care for it. In Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Outliers: The Story of Success” he takes a look at the world of “outliers”--the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most successful. He asks the question: what makes high-achievers different? It’s a fascinating book that researches everything from their culture, their family, their The Apostle Paul said in I Corinthians 9:24- It can be a humbling experience to admit that generation, and the idiosyncratic experiences 25: “Do you not know that in a race all the you need to learn how to do something that of their upbringing to come to some startling runners run, but only one receives the prize? you seem to be able to naturally do already. revelations. I suggest you read the book for a Run in such a way as to take the prize. To quote Eric Liddell again “The exercises more thorough (and interesting!) look at this Everyone who competes in games trains with seemed unimportant at first, but later one finds concept, but one of the most remarkable strict discipline. They do it for a crown that how useful they have been.” There are many conclusions is this: the biggest difference is perishable, but we do it for a crown that is things that can cut short an athlete or a singer’s between “gifted high achievers” and others, imperishable.” The issue here, as a singer and professional life. Knowledge and training are the next level down, often comes down to this: leader of worship, is more one of whether or keys to a powerful and sustainable career as a 10,000 hours of practice. not you are personally pursuing a crown that is singer. Humbling yourself to admit you can use “perishable or imperishable” not whether or not help and get better is a great start. Following Whether or not you have a “gift” from God you should work toward perfecting your craft. through with discipline and exercise is the next with regard to your voice is, in many ways, That is something that you may need to get step. Don’t be afraid to invest in your gift so irrelevant to how you pursue your craft and straight between you and God, but the idea of that you, like Eric Liddell can say “I believe God your service to Him. Eric Liddell, Scottish perfecting your craft should not be a question. made me for a purpose, but he also made me athlete, Olympic champion, and athlete known fast (gave me a voice)! And when I run (sing) I for his decision not to run his preferred race on If you believe you are called to lead worship a Sunday, was quoted as saying: “Many of us with your voice, I believe you need to grow as are missing something in life because we are a singer and as a worshipper. These are things after the second best.” I can’t agree more. that take time and commitment, but serving Him We so often set our sights so low when is a worthy calling and worthy of our time and it comes to our performance in ministry. investment. Spending time in personal worship We somehow mistakenly think that working on will help you to lead others into worship. And our craft might undermine the value of the “gift” spending time becoming a better singer, that God has given us. Or, somehow make it regardless of your “gifting”, can only improve appear as though we have a worldly mindset the experience for everyone. I encourage you and are focused more on performance than to pursue training, whether it’s getting personal pleasing God. vocal lessons or simply starting off by investing feel his pleasure.” in some training tools to get started. Nothing could be further from the truth. 16 Nov  Dec 2016 WorshipMusician.com SHERI GOULD Internationally acclaimed vocal coach with a degree from U of Illinois. Coaching since ‘79 and leading worship since ‘85. www.SheriGould.com