This particular question does not
cross every bassist’s mind, but it’s
one that could possibly lead to a
career doing what you love right on
your own home turf. You might be
someone who has heard the call
to travel all over the country/world
supporting artists and meeting many
people; or maybe not. It’s totally up
to you.
Just in case you think that being
a studio player is something you
might like to do, there are some
serious requirements.
First, the most obvious requirement
is large amount of natural, God given
talent! Along with that, there are other
very serious “sub” requirements; all
of these that I am going to discuss
are very important personality traits.
To be very frank, you have to really,
really want to “do this” because it
requires an enormous, unlimited
On another day, you might record ten songs
that can be WAY harder to endure than the
supply of patience, long suffering, very thick
over a nine-hour period, have a great time,
“over-play” scenario. Both are very challenging.
skin, a servant’s “humble” heart, and a tireless,
and have the uncanny ability to do NO wrong
POSITIVE attitude. If this isn’t close to describing
whatsoever (the “humble” part most definitely
I am just scratching the surface as far as the
you, then you might want to consider pursuing
applies). There are so many possible “in-
personality/emotional concerns for being a
other options with your abilities.
between” scenarios that you just plain never
session bassist. The next article I will discuss
know what the emotional requirements of the
There are a myriad of creative personalities
day might be. Even with a producer that you
blessings be on the work of your hands!
you could potentially work for - song writers,
know well, they may be bringing in an artist who
producers, arrangers, or independent artists
could be any number of personality types (nice,
willing to pay handsomely just to pursue their
courteous, appreciative, demanding, insecure,
dream. Depending on which one of these types
arrogant, controlling, etc.). Whichever type they
you are working for, you may be working at a
are, it can and WILL affect your day and how
one-song-per-day pace of playing that song
well or poorly you will play.
over and over in several different styles. Or you
might have to play the same song fifty times
You have to be able to read minds, figuratively.
(makes for a very long day) in the same style, all
Every producer requires a particular kind of
while having your bass lines heavily scrutinized
performance that you should be capable of. It
under the most intense microscope between
may be one who typically likes you to be overly
every take. You can easily understand how
generous with your spontaneous bass line
the aforementioned emotional requirements
ideas. The other extreme may be a producer
alone are needed to take on this particular
that you are working for who wants you to play
kind of situation.
as basic and “no-frills” as possible. Sometimes
Nov Dec 2016
Session player/producer/
writer in Nashville, TN.
Attends Grace Church
in Franklin, TN.
Email him questions,
comments, or for scheduling
at [email protected]