[Jenn] You know, our worship team at Bethel from longevity in relationships, so we are huge try to avoid at all costs is having a consistent
is about 120 people. We just love them so fans of that. devotional life. If we don’t eat food, we’re going
much. We do a lot to keep connection with
to die. If our car doesn’t keep getting filled up
them. For me personally, I just ask the Lord to [WM] Any practical tips on how to measure or with gas, it’s going to not go anywhere. But
put someone on the team on my heart, it literally look for in terms of team health? as Christians we try to almost avoid emotional
happens almost daily. I’m always keeping my
and spiritual health at all costs and try to figure
Holy Spirit radar open for who He wants me to [Jenn] We meet on Mondays with the out with self-help books and different ways
connect with and minister to on our team with department heads from a weekend service to band-aid our insecurity. It boils down to
a phone call or a text. – the sound guy, the guy who schedules insecurity. If you’re secure in God someone
teams, the musicians, all the different heads could do anything to you and it’s like water
With our big team, we have them all over once of our weekend world, worship-wise. It’s really off of a duck’s back because you know what
a month to our house, and we just worship beautiful because they are all Spirit-filled, and God thinks. It is such a sacred moment with
together, eat together, and hang out. And then they’re just keeping their eyes and ears and God where you’re getting fed by Him, getting
every other month we have all the worship hearts open to what God’s doing at all times. your security and affirmation, going deep. Just
leaders come over. They’ll come over and we’ll They’ll bring up, like, “Hey. We need to check reading the Word, slowing down and letting
BBQ, eat and drink together, pray together, in with this person. How are they doing?” It’s that time be a time where it’s really about you
share our hearts, and hear from them. We’re way beyond a technical level. Our teams are and God, in a slowed down moment where
a smaller community, which is awesome. We surrounded by different dimensions of health you’re taking it all in. You’re reading the Word
really have such a high value for real friendship and help – it’s a really beautiful and Spirit-led and you’re asking the Holy Spirit to let it really
and connection. We believe that we are living in thing. sink in and become a reality in your life, and
the fruit of longevity in relationships on a musical
then with worship music on… just letting God
level with what we do on stage, with where [WM] Brian, as I was reading through your do His thing. I think that’s the beginning of not
we’re able to go in the Spirit. I can’t prove it on story, forgiveness was one of the themes that just all of our fruit in ministry but the beginning
paper, but I’m pretty convinced that something I kept coming across. What are some practical of us being able to be healthy, whole people.
magical happens when you know the person tips for preventing bitterness from taking root?
you’re playing with. When you trust them and
they trust you, you know? And it really comes
I know for me, we have a lot of stuff always
[Brian] I think that the main thing that people
May Jun 2017
happening because we’re over the music