[WM] You released Undone in 2001 and We straight on repeat every night and then through great worship teams are the result of great
Believe in 2006. What was the impetus behind the day. When I was having devotions I would leadership, mentioning Bill Johnson as an
doing “After All These Years” now? listen to that song. For the rest of my life there example. While many people know Bethel for
probably won’t be a song in my iTunes music songs like “No Longer Slaves”, they are not
[Jenn] We’ve dedicated eighteen years to library that will have as many plays as that one. necessarily familiar with the mantle for healing
encouraging people, raising them up, bringing And the reason is that song was my anchor in that is on your church. What are some of the
them along, and championing them. We felt like it that season. So, you put a song like that on practical steps have you made to prepare
was a good time for us to do something together an album just wondering if that overflow will yourselves for the high expectations placed on
and to put our whole heart into that for a season. happen for other people that are experiencing you?
a similar situation.
[WM] “Mention of Your Name” is an incredibly
[Jenn] Our parents are incredible and
beautiful piece of music that says so much so When we put songs on the album, sometimes beautiful. They have encouraged and corrected
simply. It is wonderfully intimate, yet perfect we don’t know which ones are going to do us our whole lives. I think that being connected
for a congregational setting. What is the story what. It is a bit of a mystery which ones are to healthy leaders is vital. We started marriage
behind this song? going to take off, you know? I think when you counseling before we got married and we’ve
do an album you want that mix. You want continued it. If we hit a rough patch we reach
those songs that feel like a journal entry about out to leaders in our lives and get help, not only
the faithfulness of God, about going through a relationally marriage-wise, but with anything on
season and experiencing that realness of God our team and that’s been invaluable.
– the verses especially. Matt Redman coined
the phrase, “What starts in worship will work We are not, in any way, thinking that we are
[Jenn] That song is a theme that’s been a for worship.” In the same way what starts “the thing”. We are riding a large wave, and
part of me since I had my first daughter fifteen in that devotional place with God will inspire Brian’s dad, Bill, has paved the way. And
years ago. I said the name of Jesus as they others in that place. People will hopefully chase even before him Brian’s Grandpa was really a
were rushing me into an emergency C-section God down in that alone time with Him. There groundbreaking pioneer in worship. In this area
because it was the only thing I had to say. The is an importance for the soul and for people’s he championed and went after Davidic worship
power of that moment was incredible. As I connection with God outside of the local church – raising your hands and doing things that were
said the name of Jesus I felt a liquid peace go worship/congregational expression. not Kosher to many. So we are indebted, not
through my body.
only to our own family lineage, but to so many
great leaders and movements, like Darls.
Themes like this have been woven throughout transparent about the season you and Brian our lives. We’ve both served the Lord our whole have just come out of. Do you think that God We’re a cross-pollinated breed, not unto our
lives and have experienced the faithfulness and was setting you up to have this time so that you own. We’ve been brought up by Hillsong, IHOP
nearness of God. These are eternal themes for could really be there for one another in ways and Vineyard music. We would be in line at the
our lives. After walking with the Lord for thirty- that maybe you couldn’t be if you were working bookstore to get whatever came out in Junior
five plus years we felt like making this project on other projects? High and High School. So we just are really
together – it just felt like the right time.
thankful and indebted. We’re a melting pot of
[Jenn] Yes! When Brian had a nervous influence. Still to this day we’ve got leaders like
[WM] Some songs aren’t necessarily the first breakdown it just stopped our world. We Darlene speaking into our lives, encouraging us
single or perfect congregationally speaking, were in motion to make this record, but it just and correcting us. It’s the most beautiful gift to
but have real legs when it comes to people’s stopped everything. We had an amazing life be surrounded by diversity like that, especially
private time of worship. Brian, how do Songs and life was very good. Being forced to stop with leadership. We’ve just had such incredible
like “Greater Than All Other Names” minister to like that really helped us to go back to ground leaders in our lives. We’ve been in a church
you personally? zero in our hearts, re-look at our lives – the since we were born. We are really connected to
good, the bad, and the ugly – and really pull a lot of different leaders.
[Brian] The funny thing about that song was the rawness of who we were with God into this
Jason Ingram and I had written that together project, which at the end turned out to be a gift.
and he sent me a demo version with just him on
the piano. I listened to his demo for six months
[WM] What advice do you have for worship
leaders and worship team members around
[WM] Darlene Zschech recently told us that
May Jun 2017
individual and team health?