Worship Musician May 2020 | Page 28

say that to your friend earlier today?” and he now. You were all very happy that yesterday two is made perfect in weakness.” And that’s how said, “yes”. I said, “Are you ready to give your hundred gave their lives to me, and I wanted to it works, it’s always in weakness. I wondered life to Jesus?” and he said, “Yes”. In front of show you all, that I will stop a whole meeting, for years why when all the top rabbis in Jesus’ eight thousand young people we led him in the for one Sam.” time, when they wanted new disciples they’d prayer of salvation, and I saw when he walked go to the top universities, the Harvard and Yale back his friend ran up to him, and they were And that’s the lesson I and the other people of their day, and they would pick the best of hugging and weeping together. I found out the there will never ever forget. I was petrified, I the best and say, “Follow me.” All of the top next day that his friends had been praying for thought I’d made a mistake, I did it in weakness, rabbis did that, except Rabbi Jesus, who went him for months and had invited him to come. and yet the Lord knew what He was doing. to the Sea of Galilee and picked a bunch of very Sam was struggling with depression, he was Afterword it was like, “Wow that wasn’t my ordinary people who were mostly failures and taking drugs, he wasn’t a Christian, and that imagination, that really was you!” And I could said, “Follow me.” He taught them that it was in day he had said that to his friend. tell so many other stories like that. So many. their weakness that He would meet them. I love One of my key scriptures that I adore that is it that Jesus says in one of His letters that Paul’s And my question was, “Lord, why couldn’t that one of my life verses, is from 2 Corinthians 11, writing is very difficult to understand. I love that have waited until the end? Why did it have to “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power they got the answers wrong so often, that happen now, why did it have to be so theatrical? they struggled with things. God used ordinary Why did you have to put me through all of that people to change the world, people who were agony?” And you know, the Lord answered me. yielded to Him, and that’s the only qualification After Sam said ‘Amen’ eight thousand young you need, to be yielded to Him. people spontaneously stood and clapped and cheered for the Lord and Sam, and the Lord [WM] So here we are, cooped up, and basically answered me, “That’s why I wanted you to do it under “house arrest” with the Covid-19 Virus 28 May 2020 Subscribe for Free...