Matt Redman
Marcus Mumford
it reduces retuning to none or just a tweak. supporter of what we do here at [WM] for at which my parents were both founding
Partial capos are great fun. We do a partial 5 years. To you guys, it is more than a business members. Playing in our worship team is such
which drops the low E and a partial 3 which relationship and the worship guitar players a joy and a privilege, and that wouldn’t be
can give you an Esus or an A chord. They’re a mean more to you than just a “market to possible without the people who commit their
great way to get open tuning effects and also reach.” lives to writing incredible spirit-inspired music
to open up creativity as they make you think a
to help us worship.
bit differently. My favorite is the partial 3 on the How is the worship music our readers make
second fret from above so it covers the 5 th , 4 th and lead important to you personally?
and 3 strings giving Esus… or DADGAD with
a capo on the second fret… without retuning.
[WM] Nick and Simon, thank you both
for what you do… keep those G7th capos
[Simon] It’s so important. I lead worship
(although I’m actually more suited behind
[WM] Simon, G7th Capo has been a
the drums!) along with my wife at the church
May 2020
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