Nick & Simon winning an Award from the Music Industries Associations
a “one size fits all” approach is not going to [WM] Simon, we know in America your music we have Josh Baldwin (Bethel) plus
be perfect. biggest user base is the worship guitarists. many of their electric players, some of the
The Capo is instrumental in helping worship Hillsong team (such as Reuben Morgan), Chris
The ART system adjusts the radius of the players change keys (especially when some McClarney (Jesus Culture) and two of most
capo string pad as you squeeze it on to match of the songs are in those pesky piano keys). well-known electric players in worship music
the radius over the strings. I started working What are the other genres of music your G7th James Duke and Jeffrey Kunde.
on it quite some time ago and was initially capo has shown up in?
working on a hydraulic system which would
[WM] Nick, you have two other capos that
have used a silicone gel behind the string pad [Simon Campling] We’ve seen them all will interest our readers. The Cut Capo and
but that would have been messy and difficult over the place! Pop, rock, country, funk/ your new Compensated String Pad for 12
in production as well as a liability in terms of fusion, fingerstyle, classical. We’ve got some strings. Tell us about them?
leakage… Then I did have a Eureka moment serious metal guys who use them, and even a one night when I woke up with the realization few who have 8 or 9 string guitars!!
that I could design a mechanical system to do
[Nick] 12 strings are a capo makers worst
the same thing using sliding cams. The patent [WM] Who are some of your well-known Aaaargh! I always had to do severe retuning
application went in two days later and the detail musicians both in worship music and the on a 12 string when I put a capo on so I
design for the Heritage ART followed swiftly. mainstream? thought it was time to solve that particular
The ART string pad in the Performance 3 is
dilemma! The compensated string pad is
very similar but it also gives us a replaceable [Simon] Some of the biggest mainstream a pretty good compromise and it frets the
string pad for when it gets worn which is an people are Shaun Mendes, Bryan Adams, bass and treble pair at pretty much the same
additional advantage. Marcus Mumford (Mumford & Sons), James time when you put it on. 12 string players
Bay, and Richard Thompson. From worship seem to love it and I’m very happy with it as
May 2020
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