many people we normally have on a Sunday.
everyone was so nervous at that time, no one [WM] In a recent interview with Britain’s Mike
has ever been told to stay home and what that Pilavachi, also appearing in this issue, the
[WM] One of the songs that you both co-wrote would look like, so it’s been really sweet to be subject of intimacy with Jesus, or more directly,
with Chris Brown and Pastor Steven Furtick, able to use that song to remind people that the the battle between worship intimacy and
is called “The Blessing”, originally recorded truth from the word of God has not changed, performance from the stage, came up. How
for a recent Elevation Worship release. It’s a that His promises are things that we can always do you handle the tension between leading real
wonderful benediction for worshipers to add hold on to. I think that’s been the power behind worship, and the entrapments of performance?
to their Sunday mornings. You’ve posted it that song, that the truth that we’ve all known completely striped down musically, from your our whole lives, and just hearing them with a [Kari] It’s so interesting, when you asked
home, and as a duo. It’s an excellent online new melody behind them I think has been really that question just now, I just got teary eyed,
resource for the church. Tell us about this. refreshing for people. We’ve loved getting to because of the intimacy of Jesus. I think some
minister that song to people’s hearts. people get nervous about the word “intimacy”.
[Kari] We’ve just been so blown away at It should be really representative of friendship,
the timing that the Lord helped us write this true friendship. When you have a true friend,
song. No one was in quarantine yet, and there are things that they know about you, that
it was about a week and a half before that you know about them, that cause you to be
happened. We felt such a strong sense in our able to call them a friend, and the closer a friend
spirit that we needed to go ahead and put it you are the more you know and the more you
out. So when the whole quarantine happened, are trusted. God says that He shares secrets
the only version out there was the live version with His friends, it’s in the Word. So I think
from Elevation, and I was like, “Let’s just do a
sweet acoustic one here at the house”. I think
what’s beautiful about being a worship leader,
The Blessing
May 2020
and what really should be on the forefront of all
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