Cody Carnes and Kari Jobe. Married (to doing with that, and I think He’s reigniting His
each other). Parents of two boys, Canyon presence in people’s homes. I believe that
and Kingston. Worship leaders. Songwriters. it’s going to actually bring a new depth of His
Worshipers. Texans. presence when we all come back together
as the church in the corporate setting. I think
Together and individually, they are making huge
it’s going to reignite the importance in people
waves in the worship community worldwide
to meet with God, not just in the corporate
Let the Light In
setting, but in their home, with their families,
authenticity of real worship. You can access
and having those times with God there. So I
their contributions through YouTube, Capitol special moment, that was the moment that we think it’s reestablishing something that maybe
Christian Music Group, or their individual social ended up turning into a video, the live video on we’ve gotten away from, and maybe we’ve
media outreaches. YouTube is from that moment, because people leaned too hard on the corporate church
just held it with me and they sang it at the top of for having encounters with God. I think it’s a
[WM] What a delight it is to visit with you their lungs and it became this prayer in people beautiful thing.
again. The last time I interviewed you (Cody) just instinctively.
was over 8 months ago, and Kari, you chimed
I think for us, we’ve done a few things where
in a bit as well! That particular occasion was for [WM] It was beautiful, jam-packed worship we felt… We asked God in the beginning of
the September issue of Worship Musician, and conference, I can’t help but also think about the quarantine, we asked Him, “How can we
you were headed home from some family time how much has changed in such a short help in this season? What can we do to be a
in Florida. time due to the virus. No Sunday worship resource to the church?” We felt like the idea
gatherings, no touring, and no conferences. came to us to record a couple of worship sets,
And even though our futures are all uncertain, acoustic and live from home. So we did that,
it’s really always been that way. In a sense, all we recorded two worship sets and put them up
churches are the same size now. Just a camera online and offered them for free. It’s something
[Cody] Yes.
[Kari] That’s right!
and one or two people. And for worship leaders that any church can download and use in their
[WM] Together, you led worship this past and pastors it’s all gone back full circle, hasn’t streams. Each set is three songs a piece, and
January here in Franklin, TN, at the annual it? Prior to serving in churches, many worship they are songs that we really feel from our heart
Worship Together Conference. I was there, and leaders began their journey by leading in song speak into the time that were in, helping to
remember the song, “Let the Light In”. What in home Bible studies. It was simple back then; point to Jesus, helping to point toward hope,
are your recollections of that event? no fancy lights, no projection mapping, no and toward the source of joy and healing, who
smoke machines. And so worship leaders are is Jesus.
[Cody] That moment was amazing, that was again doing the same thing from their homes the first time that I’d ever led the song live. As a as they once did, but now via online platforms. We’ve seen churches use them on every
songwriter and a worship leader that is always How have you both continued to serve and Sunday, and its been really special just to see
one of the most special moments. And that’s “social distance” simultaneously? Are you one resource that we’re able to make go to
with any song the first time you lead it live, “stream serving” the church? all of these different places and corners of the
because you’ve been dreaming about the song
earth, it’s really amazing.
in a room of people and seeing people connect [Cody] That’s a beautiful thing. This season with it. You’ve had visions of that. So, it’s the is where everybody is being with God in their [WM] My understanding is that you both
time that it all comes together. Honestly my homes. I think there are things that God is serve at The Belonging in Nashville. Have you
expectations were lower than what happened and/or staff members discussed the “re-entry”
(laughs), and my expectations weren’t very low. process for the church to assemble in person,
It exceeded my expectations the way people and if so, what does it look like?
seemed to grab a hold of that song having
never heard it, and the way that it seemed to be [Cody] We’re actually not on staff. I think
so timely for the way things are going now and they’ve definitely been talking about it, but we
what’s happening in our world with quarantine don’t know. My assumption is we will keep
and what God is doing in this time, it just streaming for a while until the governor and the
seems like a song for the time. So that was a
Worship Set
May 2020
mayor allow us to have gatherings of however
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