"Don't miss the new things what God is doing
by wanting to return to normality"
- Abraham Osorio
In a recent conversation with my friend Abraham
Osorio we talked about what his experience
has been like during this time of quarantine.
During the talk, Abraham mentioned that during
his time with God, God said to him: "Don't miss
the new things I’m doing by wanting to return
to normality"
The reality is that nothing is normal right now
and you know what? That’s okay! God is a
creative God and best of all, the church is not a
building that can be canceled. Today more than
ever, we have to embrace what worship leading
looks like during this season.
If you are a worship leader, you may be looking
for ideas on how to fill your acoustic sound. In
this article, you will find some resources that will
help you create excellent acoustic sets for your
online services.
play the pad from your DAW of choice or even only leave percussion, ambient pads, loops,
your phone, and you can start playing your and soft pianos, if you have a keyboardist
acoustic guitar or piano over the pad. in your band. This will help you maintain an
If you don't have access to your entire band,
authentic sound and use your tracks in your
I encourage you to explore an acoustic set. If you're new to ambient pads, I encourage you Maybe it's just you with an acoustic guitar, or to download Playback, the MultiTrack Player a piano, or maybe you can gather a couple of iOS app that allows you to run tracks and also During this season, remember that God
people from your team to achieve an acoustic ambient pads from your iPad o iPhone. They continues to do something new. He is doing
set with more instruments. The most important have also added a few packs of ambient pads something new in our world and churches and
thing to remember is that it is okay to explore a already in the app for you to use. You can today we get the opportunity to learn to do
new way of doing things. Remember that your visit multitracks.com to find more sounds and things in a new way with new tools. For a long
church is at home and our goal as worship ambient pads for your acoustic sets. time, we have said that the church is more than
leaders is also to create an environment where
online services without any problems.
a building. Now we have the chance to prove it.
they can too connect from home. Acoustic 3. AUTHENTIC SOUND sets create that warm environment that helps If you are wanting to use tracks during your If you need resources for your online services
people relate to from home. moments of worship, remember that less is visit multitracks.com/covid-19
more. Live experiences are very different from
2. AMBIENT PADS online experiences so hearing instruments
Ambient pads are a sonic layer that fills your that are not visually present can create a bit
sound and adds texture to your set. These of a distraction. Try removing the tracks that
pads come in any of the 12 keys and the best you don't need for your acoustic set such as
thing is that they are really simple to use. Just drums, heavy electric guitars, synths, etc. and
May 2020
Christy Colmenares
Resides in Austin, TX and forms part of the
MultiTracks.com team as the Brand Manager
for MultiTracks.com’s Latin American branch,
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