Worship Musician May 2020 | Page 51

Rehearse even when your team can’t. 9:41 100% Get the most out of your wharts. The ChartBuilder app allows you and your team members to create Setlists from thousands of accurate Charts and endlessly customize them using convenient flters like ey, Capo, Numbers, Numerals, Layout, Song - 06:22 Original Acoustic Guitar Percussion Bass Guitar Keys Vocals Map, MD Notes, and more. Au Electric Guitar 1 Transform the way you ®²sten. RehearsalMix is now integrated right into the ChartBuider app. Hear your instrument isolated in the Êriginal Master Recording while the accurate Chart automatically scrolls. Trigger the new loop section feature to make the 6:22 most of your practice time. Sign up for free at MULTITRACKs.COM/PRODUCTS/CHARTBUILDER