Kicking off the album is the classic Samuel
Corey Voss and Madison Street Worship
Trevor Francis hymn, “The God Of The Sea And
has remained constant and secure, and that in
Stars”. Matt Brock’s modern refreshing mixed
all things, He is enough. This is a deep spiritual
with his expressive tenor gives this old hymn
truth that we often overlook when things don’t
new life and meaning. “Set My Eyes On You”
go the way we planned. So often we are seeking
is a new hymn written and led by Kurtis Parks
our own comfort in the midst of life’s trials and
and Kelly Minter whose melody line will remind
hardships and we often forget that the love of
you of an old southern gospel classic with its
our Savior never changes. His plan is much
acoustic guitars and meandering violins as we
learn about the importance of staying focused Every once in a while a song comes along and
on Jesus during difficult times. seems to jump out of nowhere and capture
my heart from the first verse. “Look What God
Savanah Ellis leads the bouncy and pop- Has Done” finds it place from the just released
infused “Love You Never Let Me Go” which new album from Corey Voss, Heaven Come
was first released back in 2013 on the Hymns Closer. It was written and led by Haley Rowell
Collective album but sounds just as fresh and who serves as one of the worship leaders at
relevant today. Gateway Church in Tennessee where Voss is
the worship pastor.
that through fire, flood and tragedy, our God
larger than what our small human experience
can fathom. This chorus is so perfect for our
current situation and will bring hope and calm
when we remember that God has a plan in all
things, even our current pandemic.
Verse 3 is the response to this faithfulness
as Rowell proclaims; “So let’s build an altar.
Worship together and bow down. In awe of His
wonder, let all of Heaven hear the sound”. This
appropriately up with the folkish “In Feast or The song’s title is simple enough but at second
Fallow” which is a hymn that she wrote back glance I marveled at the idea of such a simple
in 2010. This song of hope is full of Gospel thought, a phrase that I have uttered myself on
truth as Sandra reminds us that no matter more than one occasion. Quickly I realized how
what happens in this life, the body of Christ poignant and appropriate it was during this
will endure and live eternally because of the time of shelter in dealing with the COVID-19
sacrifice of Jesus. pandemic around the world.
This is another great collection of songs in this The song begins with a pad and worship guitar
series by Venture3 Media. I really appreciate riff as Rowell sings verse 1 about the power
how the songs are not over produced. These that God has had through all history to “scatter
are simple, well written and meaningful songs the darkness with His light”. The drums provide
that speak of God’s love and faithfulness at a a rhythmic moving undertone during the
time when we all need to be reminded of God’s interlude to verse 2 that gives anticipation and
faithfulness and love. foundation to what is to come later in the song.
is how Christians show their appreciation for
what God has done. We worship together, not
just on Sunday in a building but by giving our
entire lives and proclaiming what God has done
at all times.
Then after a second chorus we get the classic
worship build up to the big bridge which
Verse 2 continues in similar vein musically
as Rowell proclaims the word of God as the
sustaining force that guides us in every season
is a declaration of worship speaking of the
greatness of the name of Jesus which we finally
get to shout in adoration with a climax of joy
and memorable melody.
The song ends with another chorus and tag as
the guitar riffs bring us home. ”Look What God
Has Done” is a simple, yet complex song that
will stick in your head and heart for days and I
have a feeling you and your congregation will
love it. Especially now.
and that Jesus is our shepherd leading us
through every mountain and valley.
We are then introduced to the hook-laden
chorus for the first time where we are reminded
May 2020
Gerod Bass
Worship leader in Tacoma, WA. Mentor with Worship
Catalyst. Singer, songwriter, guitarist with a passion
for impacting lives for the sake of the Gospel.
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